י169) רץ מדבר

Cream-coloured Courser
Cream-coloured Courser
Cream-coloured Courser

Cursorius cursor
Cursorius cursor
Cursorius cursor

:רץ המדבר
. גודלו כשל זרזיר, צבעו כצבע החול
. בהמשך עיניו שני פסים בצבע לבן ושחור
. מקורו מעוקל וחד, קצות כנפיו שחורים. רגליו חזקות ולהן שלוש אצבעות
. מרבה לעמוד שפוף או לרוץ, בזמן מעופו מתגלים קצות הכנפים השחורים
. בית גידולו ערבות ומדבריות חול, מזונו העיקרי חרקים אותם צד על הקרקע
. בארץ מצוי ויציב בעיקר בנגב
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. c. bogolubovi Turkey through Iran to Afghanistan, S Pakistan and NW India.
C. c. cursor Canary IS. N Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Socotra. Winters N Kenya to Somalia.
C. c. exsul Cape Verde Is.
C. c. somalensis Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia .
C. c. littoralis SE Sudan, throuth Kenya to Somalia.
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Descriptive notes.

Descriptive notes.

20 cm, 93-156 g. Above pale sandy buff or sandy rufous with striking black stripe from behind eye to nape, bordered above by white stripe, with hindcrown blue-grey. Below pale sandy, lower belly white, upperwing has black primaries and primary coverts, sharply contrasting with sandy secondaries, underwing black with narrow white trailing edge to secondaries.
Bill black, legs and feet yellowish white. Plumage shbject to bleaching and wear.
Races distinguished on shades of difference in coloration, presence and extent of darker coloring on belly, and on size, though this last feature is clinal. exsul darker with reddish sand colored upperparts and breast. In size and structure the smaller, duller E African races are closer to Cursorius rufus , and they show same pale brown grey underwing coverts contrasting with black outer half of underwing.
Arid, open, warm to hot desert and semi desert, both stony and sandy, including dune troughs, with or without low sparse vegetation also short grass and gravel plains, salt flats, semi cultivated steppe and gravel roads.
Food and Feeding
Normally insects, including beetles, grasshoppers, ants, flies also molluscs, isopods and seeds.
Feeds by running over ground and stopping to pick up prey which is swallowed whole, even large insects up to 8 cm long. Sometimes catches locusts in flight. May dig for food using bill.
Mar-Jun inN Africa, Mauritania, Israel and Iran. Apr in Pakistan and Jordan. Dec-May in senegal.
Nest is shallow unlined scrape on bare ground. 2 eggs, incubation 19 days by both sexes. Chick finely mottled sandy rufous and white above, crown streaked dusky, below white, washed buff on breast.
First breeding at one year old.
Nominate race makes extensive movements, much of N population apparently crossing Sahara for winter, when range extends to Sudan and Kenya.
Winters Negev Desert, Israel Dec and Jun. Immigration into Saudi Arabia in winter probably from Middle East, when numbers increase and birds spread int deserts of Nafud and empty Quarter. Breeding birds arrive Jordan early Mar and depart late Jun.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Perhaps increasing in W Africa.
Israel. In Israel subspecies C. c. cursor. Locally and quite common breeding summer visitor, uncommon passage migrant.

C. c. cursor
(in Israel)

C. c. cursor

C. c. cursor