י186) חופמי מונגולי

Mongolian Plover
Mongolian Plover
Mongolian Plover

Charadrius mongolus
Charadrius mongolus
Charadrius mongolus

:חופמי מונגולי
. דומה לחופמי חוף בלבוש החורף, אך קטן ממנו
. ראשו עגול, מקורו קצר ודק, ורגליו קצרות
. בלבוש הקיץ הזויגים דומים לזכר של חופמי חוף שחזהו חלודי יותר
. בית גידולו בתקופת הדגירה באזורים גבוהים עד לקו העצים
. אזורים חשופים, טונדרות גבוהות ומורדות הרים ליד מקווי מים
. בארץ עובר אורח אקראי נדיר ביותר
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. m. pamirensis W Tien Shan, Pamirs and Karakoram. Winters S and E Africa to W India.
C. m. atrifrons Himalayas and S Tibet. Winters India to Sumatra.
C. m. schaeferi Tibet to S Mongolia. Winters Thailand to Greater Sundas.
C. m. mongolus E Siberia and Russian Far East. Winters Taiwan to Australia.
C. m. stegmanni Kamchatka, N Kuril Is and Commander Is to Chukotskiy Peninsula. Winters S Ryokyu Is and Taiwan to Australia.
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Descriptive notes.
18-20 cm, 40-110 g, wingspan 45-58 cm. Broad rufous red breast band and indneck collar, Black eye patch, legs typically dark grey.
Very similar to C. leschenaultii in all plumages, but smaller, with shorter legs, shorter and thinner bill and rounder head.
Female like male but black on head browner, no black line on forehead, rufous parts duller, and no dark upper border to breast band.
Non-breeding adult lacks black and chestnut. Juvenile resembles non-breeding adult with buff fringes on upperparts.
Nominate and race stegmanni. have blackish upper border to breast band and forehead white.
In breeding season, occurs above or beyond tree-line. Barren valleys and basins, elevated tundra and mountain steppes mainly near water, on moist but well drained gravelly, rocky or sandy, sparsely vegetated surfaces, including salt-pans, patches of detritus and in some areas drye dges of salt- marshes. During non-breeding season strictly coastal, frequently tidal mud flats, sandy beaches and estuaries.
Food and Feeding.
In breeding areas many beetles, and also fly larvae. Limbless bodies of crabs swallowed whole. Stalks worms in their holes.
In non-breeding habitats, takes insects, crustaceans, such as crabs and amphipods, molluscs, particularly bivalves and polychaete worms.
May wade up to breast in water. Feeds solitarily or in scattered flocks, on mud flats, salt-pans and salt-marsh, rarely at water's edge. Sometimes forages at night.
Generally May-Jun. Nest is scrape or cattle footprint in bar sand or shingle, sometimes besides bushes or big stones. Lining of vegetation, small stones and debris accumulates during incubation. 3 eggs, incubation 22-24 days, female often starts incubating first egg.
Chick grey-buff above, mottled with black on crown, grey-buff hindneck collar, underparts white, greyish buff at sides. In most cases only males tend chicks, but sometimes both parents. Foxes can apparently cause high mortality. Breeds first at 2 years old.
Migratory. Four groups definable, migrating to different winter quarters, ranging from coasts of S Africa through S Asia to Australia, using staging areas in between on both ways.
Race dyrhmsnni leaves breeding grounds late Jul, females first, juveniles latest. Many Siberian birds migrate coastally, but large numbers of mongolus pass overland through Transbaikalia and Manchuria. Marked southward movement down E coast of Australia in Aug-Nov. C Asian populations probably migrate directly to S Asian coasts. In Siberia, flocks form Jul, and depart early Aug, arrive in India, S Arabia and E Africa early Aug to mid Sep. Race atrifrons starts moving N in late Jeb. Northern breeding grounds reoccupied by Apr-May. stegmanni late May to early Jun.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Population of pamirensis estimated minimum 30.000 birds, and atrifrons minimum 100.000 birds. Race schaeferi 25.000-100-000 birds. In Australia stegmanni 20.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies C. m. mongolus. Stragler.

C. m. mongolus
(in Israel)

C. m. mongolus