י175) קיוית שחורת-ראש | ||||||||||
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:קיווית שחורת-ראש . לראשה ציצית קטנה ועל פניה דבלול אדום . רגליה ורודות. ראשה צבוע בלבן ושחור . על חזהה כתם שחור מאורך שאינו קיים אצל החופמיים . קטן במקצת, הזויגים דומים latifrons המין . בית גידולה אזורים יבשים או מדבריים חשופים או מכוסים בעשב . בארץ עוברת אורח אקראית נדירה ביותר | ||||||||||
Subspecies and Distribution.
V. t. tectus Mauritania and Senegal to Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya. V. t. latifrons Somalia to Kenya. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם | ||||||||||
Descriptive notes.
25 cm, 100-120 g. Crested lapwing with red wattles, black and white head, and pinkish red legs. Vertical black streak on upper breast unique in Vanellus. Sexes alike. No seasonal variation. Juvenile like adult, but has buff edges to black and brown feathers. Race latifrons somewhat smaller, with broader white forehead band. Habitat. Dry plains or desert, bare or with short grass, open bushland, open, bare areas in thorn-scrub. Not nedessarily near water. Also found near human settlement, will nest in gardens and near buildings. Food and Feeding Mainly insects and their larvae and gastropods. Feeds mainly at night, resting in shade during the day. Breeding Laying dates locally restricted by seasons, but varying geographically, peaking either during dry or rainy seasons, depending on region, frequently Mar-May. Monogamous. breeds singly or in loose colonies. Colonial birds very aggressive, mobbing all intruders. Nest is shallow depression or scrape in sand or earth, unlined or variably lined with pebbles, gravel, plant material or debris. 1-6 eggs, incubation 26 days. Chick has upperparts spotted black and yellow, hindneck, cheeks and underparts white. Movements. Resident, local movements during noted in Mauritania, Mali and Nigeria. In Ethiopia some groups move to higher altitudes, Nov-May. Status and Conservation. Not globally threatened. No population estimates available, reported to be generally common throughout sizeable range. Israel. In Israel subspecies V. t. latifrons. Accidental visitor. |
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