י179) חופזי זהוב

Eurasian Golden Plover
Eurasian Golden Plover
Eurasian Golden Plover

Pluvialis apricaria
Pluvialis apricaria
Pluvialis apricaria

:חופזי זהוב
. חופמי גדול, גבו צבוע בחום וצהוב, הכנף ליד הגוף לבנה
. בקיץ הלחיים, הגרון והגחון שחורים
. לאוכלוסיות הצפוניות הצבע השחור מוקף במסגרת לבנה
. נוהג להתלהק עם הקיווית הגדולה ממנו, ומרבה בלהטוטי תעופה
. בית גידולו ערבות צפוניות, ביצות, טונדרה וערבות ארקטיות עם שיחי אברש
. בחורף, שדות גלויים, שפכי נהרות וחופי ים
. בארץ עובר אורח וחורף מצוי
Subspecies and Distribution.
P. a. altifrons EC Greenland, Iceland and Faeroes to N Fenno-Scandia, and thence E to Taymyr Peninsula.
P. a. apricaria British Is, through W Germany, Denmark and Fenno-Scandia to Baltic states.
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Descriptive notes.
25-30 cm, 155-310 g, wingspan 65-75 cm. Largest and bulkiest of golden plovers, with underwing white, as opposed to brownish grey, also differs in shape and plumage color. Wings equal in length to tail or slightly longer.
Female less extensively black, with some brown markings below. Non-breeding adult lacks black on face and underparts. upperparts less distinctly spotted with yellow, can turn greyish. Juvenile as non-breeding adult.
In race altifrons male more uniformly black below. Female altifrons has yellowish cheeks with black marks.
Nominate race breeds on highland heaths and peatlands. Race altifrons breeds in humid moss, moss and lichen and hummock tundra, shrub tundra, open bogs in forest tundra and alpine tundra. On migration and in winter, occurs on pastures and open agricultural land,such as stubble and fallow fields, and regularly feeds on intertidal flats.
Food and Feeding.
Mainly invertebrate, especially beetles and earthworms, sometimes plant material. All kinds of insects and their larvae, spiders, millipedes and snails.
Pecks from surface or probes. Sometimes feeds at night. Moves in flocks up to 1000's. During breeding, flocks are smaller.
Apr-May in Britain, May-Jul further North. Monogamous, with lifelong pair-bond. Solitary, with nests sometimes only few hundred metres apart. Territorial, adults feed mostly outside territory. Breeds in flat and openly vegetated areas.
Nest is shallow scrape, lined with moss and plant material. 4 eggs, incubation 28-31 days. Chick has mottled black and bright yellow upperparts, whitish underparts. Breeds first at 2 years old.
Migratory, only partially migratory in Britain and Ireland. Icelandic population leaves late Sep, probably wintering mainly in Ireland, W Britain, France and Iberia. Birds from Scandinavia to Siberia winter from Britain and Netherlands to N Africa. Birds from Taymyr possibly fly across Siberia towards Caspian Sea and Mediterranean.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Breeding population of race apricaria estimated at 1.800.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies P. a. apricaria. Fairly common winter visitor and scarce passage migrant.

P. a. altifrons

P. a. apricaria
(in Israel)

P. a. apricaria

P. a. apricaria