י212) חופית גדולה

Great Knot
Great Knot
Great Knot

Calidris tenuirostris
Calidris tenuirostris
Calidris tenuirostris

:חופית גדולה
, חופמאי גדול, החזה וצידי גופו מנומרים בשחור
. גבו ערמוני ומנוקד בשחור
. בטנו, שתו וגבו התחתון לבנים
. הנקבה גדולה במקצת וגבה פחות ערמוני
. בית גידולה חופי ים עשירים בסחופת של גאות ושפל
. בתקופת הקינון בערבות ושיפולי הרים בטונדרה
. בארץ עובר אורח אקראי נדיר ביותר
Subspecies and Distribution.
Calidris tenuirostris NE Siberia. Winters in SE Asia and Australia, also Arabia, Pakistan, NW and NE India and Bangladesh.
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Descriptive notes.
27 cm, 115-250 g, wingspan 55 cm. Largest shorebird. Breast and flanks heavily spotted black. Scapulars with large chestnut spots and blackish tips. uppertail coverts mostly white.
Female averages larger, with less chestnut in scapulars. Non-breeding adult has paler grey upperparts and brest. Upperparts, head and neck finely streaked dark grey. Breast streaked, flanks lightly streaked.
Habitat includes sheltered coasts with large intertidal mudflats and sandflats, inlets, bays, harbours, estuaries and lagoons.
Breeds in subarctic, on plateaux or gentle slopes with mountain tundra. In habitats ranging from gravelly areas covered by lichens and patches of herbs and heather to areas with continuous thick layer of lichen and scattered depressed larch or dwarf pine.
Food and Feeding.
Feeds mainly on bivalves, buried in soft sediment, also gastropods, crustaceans, annelids and sea cucumbers.
During breeding siason primarily plant material, mainly berries, also kernels of dwarf pine trees.
Feeds in large flocks, often in company of C. canutus, Limosa lapponica and H. brevipes. Nocturnal and diurnal forager.
May-Jun. Monogamous and territorial. Highly faithful to site. 4 eggs, single brood, incubation 21 days, by both parents but female leaves area after hatching, leaving male to care for chicks.
Chick mottled dull blackish brown above with some buff and with rows of white or cinnamon buff tips to down, underparts white to buffish white.
Migratory. Migrant along coast, with few stopovers. Females leave early Jul, males late Jul.
Most birds migrate via coast of Sea of Okuotsk, South Korea and E China. Arrival in NW Australia late Aug and early Spt.
N migration occurs in Mar-Apr, and departure from NE Australia occurs Mar-Apr. Flies non-stop to S China, arrival on breeding grounds late may. Small numbers winter in or pass through Arabia.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Australia wintering population estimated at 250.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies Calidris tenuirostris. Straggler.

Calidris tenuirostris
(in Israel)