י218) חופית טמניק

Temminck's Stint
Temminck's Stint
Temminck's Stint

Calidris temminckii
Calidris temminckii
Calidris temminckii

:חופית טמניק
. בגודלה דומה לחופית קטנה, לדמותה והתנהגותה
. נבדלת ממנה באברות זנבה הלבנות וברגליה הירקרקות צהובות
, בחורף נבדלת בצבע האפרפר האחיד של חלקי גופה העליונים
. ובחזה הכהה יותר, ורגליה הצהובות חומות
. בית גידולה טונדרות עם שיחים ועצים
. לאחר הקינון מקוי מים מתוקים ואזורים עטורי צמחיה
בארץ עוברת אורח מצויה וחורפת נדירה ברוב חלקי הארץ
. לאורך חופי הים, מקוי מים מתוקים וברכות דגים
Subspecies and Distribution.
Calidris temminckii Scandinavia through Russsia and N Siberia. Winters from Mediterranean, tropical Africa and Middle East trough Indian Subcontinent and Indochina, Taiwan and Ryukyu Is to Malaysia and Borneo. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
14 cm, 15-35 g, wingspan 35 cm. small stint with broad white sides of tail and rump, unique amongst Calidris.
Upperparts range from dull grey to olive brown, with variable patches of black brown, dull rufous and grey. Head and breast grey brown. Breast heavily streaked brown, white on chin, throat and belly.
Female averages slightly larger. Non-breeding adult has plain dark grey upperparts and head. Breast uniform pale grey brown, chin and throat white.
Southern tundra, shrub tundra and along folldplains in forest tundra, on flat ground clear of vegetation, or covered with short grass interspersed with patches of shrubs. Also near inlets, fjords, deltas and streams. Upland ane inland, at sheltered sites on shrubland fringes.
Outside breeding season, variety of wetland types, preferably inland freshwater sites, flood lands, irrigated fields, sewage farms and more or less densely vegetated wetlands.
Food and Feeding.
Insects and their larvae, especially beetles, occasionally plant material.
On coast, mainly annlids, crustaceans and small molluscs.
Pecks prey from surface, rarely probes. Singly or in small groups of up to 30 birds.
May-Jul. Successive bigamy by both sexes, occasionally with third clutch. Site fidelity and some natal philopatry.
Nest on ground, in open or low vegetation, lined with plant, stems and leaves. 4 eggs, 2nd clutch started a week after 1st. Each nest cared for by one parent, incubation 21 days.
Chick obscurely mottled cinnamon buff to ochraceous above with blackis band and white to buff down tips, buff-yellow face and throat, and white underparts. Age of first breeding 1 year.
Migratory, broad front migration towards N Africa and S Asia. Arrival in N Africa late Jul. Departs wintering grounds mainly late Mar to Apr. Small numbers winter in Europe, occasionally as far N as Britain.
Scandinavian birds move S SW in autumn. Usually migrates in small flocks.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Wintering population in Asia estimated at 100.000 birds, in Sweden 20.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies Calidris temminckii. Scarce winter visitor in north valleys and common passage migrant in most country.

(in Israel)