י219) חופית ארוכת-אצבעות

Long-toed Stint
Long-toed Stint
Long-toed Stint

Calidris subminuta
Calidris subminuta
Calidris subminuta

:חופית ארוכת-אצבעות
. חופמאי קטן וצנום. צוארה, רגליה ובהונותיה ארוכים יחסית לגודלה
מקורה קצר, קודקודה ערמוני ומפוספס, צידי גופה וחזה ערמוניים
. ומפוספסים בעדינות בחום כהה
. נוצות פלג גופה העליון חומים במרכזם וצהובים בהירים בשוליהם
. בית גידולה אדמות בוציות וטונדרות בטיגה
. לאחר הקינון מקוי מים מתוקים או מבחילים , שדות אורז וביצות מלוחות
. בארץ עובר אורח אקראי נדיר ביותר
Subspecies and Distribution.
Calidris subminuta SW Siberia to S tundra of Koryak Mts. Winters from E India and Indochina to Taiwan, and S through Philippines and Indonesia to W and SE Australia. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
15 cm, 20-35 g, wingspan 25-32 cm. Small and slim Stint with relatively long neck, legs and toes. Short bill, rufous crown and ear-coverts, with dark streaks, prominent whitish supercilium and narrow dark loral stripe. Nape pale rufous and neck, flanks and rufous tinged breast finely streaked dark brown. Upperpart feathers have dark brown centres and rufous and pale buff fringes.
Female averages slightly larger.
Subarctic and boreal open habitats, often in open bogs or mountain tundra in taiga zone.
In non-breeding season prefers inland wetlands, especially rice fields, also muddy or vegetated edges or coastal and sub coastal shallow freshwater and brackish wetlands, sewage farms, and salt marshes.
Food and Feeding.
Diet includes insects, small gastropod molluscs, crustaceans and seeds.
Usually feeds by pecks and probes, among vegetation at water's edge, from water surface or from mud.
Feeds singly or in small flocks, sometimes defends feeding territory.
Lays Jun-Jul, monogamus. High degree of site fidelity.
Nest is shallow depression filled with leaves, well hidden.3-4 eggs, both parents incubate, but only male tends brood.
Migratory. Two main routes, which converge in China, down E coast of Asia, through Manchuria, Japan and Korea, and overland on broad front through continental Asia where locally abundant in Tuva. Some migration through Middle East. Most birds winter in SE Asia and Philippines, very few in Australia.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Total wintering population estimated at 75.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies Calidris subminuta. Accidental.

Calidris subminuta
(in Israel)