י220) חופית לבנת-שת

White-rumped Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper

Calidris fuscicollis
Calidris fuscicollis
Calidris fuscicollis

:חופית לבנת-שת
. חופית קטנה, צבעיה בהירים
. נוצותיה העליונים בצבע חום עם כתמים שחורים
. גחונה לבן ומפוספס בכתמים קטנים חומים ושתה לבן
. בית חיותה טונדרות עטורות צמחיה עשבונית בצפון אמריקה
, בזמן הנדידה לדרום אמריקה לאורך בית חיותה חופי ים
. גדות נחלים, ביצות ושדות פתוחים
. בארץ אקראית נדירה ביותר, נצפתה במעגן מיכאל באפריל 2005
Subspecies and Distribution.
Calidris fuscicollis NE Alaska and N Canada E to S Baffin Is.
Winters in SE South America, from Brazil to Tierra del Fuego. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
15-18 cm; 30-60 g; wingspan 36-38 cm. White uppertail-coverts contrast with dark rump and tail; yellow base to lower mandible; crown, cheeks, mantle and scapulars centred dark brown and edged rufous pink and grey; wing-coverts paler; sides of neck, breast and flanks spotted and streaked brown; at rest, wings project beyond tail tip. Male has inflatable throat; female averages slightly larger, with smaller white throat. Non-breeding adult has head and upperpart8 plain ashy brown with faint streaks and paler fringes; breast pale ashy brown with faint dark streaks. Juvenile like breeding adult, but upperparts more brightly colored, and with more white tips; breast streaked and washed buff-grey.
Breeds in low areas on marshy, hummocky tundra, well vegetated with mosses, grasses, sedges or shrubs. On migration in N South America, occurs on sea beaches, riverbanks, open fields and marshes. On wintering grounds, on intertidal mudflats, salt-marshes, flood fields, marshes, ponds and lagoons.
Food and Feeding.
Invertebrates, including adult and larval insects, such as grasshoppers, beetles and cranetlies, also spiders, small molluscs, crustaceans, leeches, polychaete worms and earthworms; some seeds. On breeding grounds, probes in moss and wet vegetation; during non-breeding season probes in muddy substrates at edge of water and picks prey from surface. May defend feeding territories on wintering grounds
Laying early to mid-Jun. Polygynous. Solitary; territory vigorously defended by male during egg-laying; birds often foraging outside territory; highest local density c. I birdlha; nests usually widely spaced, but sometimes as close as 12 m. Male extends highly inflatable throat while performing aerial display. Nests near ponds, lakes or streams; well hidden, shallow scrape with lining of willow leaves and bits of moss and lichens. 4 eggs; females single-brooded, incubation 22 days male deserts female soon after egg-laying
Chick mottled grey-brown or tawny and black above with white spots.
Migrates in few, non-stop jumps of up to 4000 km; flies from NE North America over W Atlantic directly to N South America, whence continues with short hops down coast, then moving inland at mouth of R Amazon, reaching wintering grounds I month later; shows some degree of site fidelity. During N migration flies across Central America, Caribbean and inland North America, staging in Great Plains; little information on other staging areas.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Total wintering population in N America estimated at 100,000 birds.
In Israel subspecies Calidris fuscicollis. Accidental, One observed on Mahgan Michael beach at 26.04.05.

Calidris fuscicollis
(in Israel)