י192) חרטומית חדת-זנב

Pintail Snipe
Pintail Snipe
Pintail Snipe

Gallinago stenura
Gallinago stenura
Gallinago stenura

:חרטומית חדת-זנב
. חרטומית בינונית בגודלה, דומה ביותר לחרטומית הביצות
נבדלת ממנה בצבעה הכהה יותר, מעופה כבד יותר
. והפסים בצידי גופה כהים יותר ומודגשים. מקורה קצר וכן זנבה
, בנוסף שונה זנבה משאר החרטומיות בצורתו המחודדת
. ניתן לראותו רק בזמן המעוף
, בית גידולה אזורים יבשים במקצת. מקננת באזורי הצפון והארקטי
. על אדמות לחות וטונדרות שיחים
. בארץ עוברת אורח אקראית נדירה ביותר
Subspecies and Distribution.
Gallinago stenura NC and E Russia, from Ural through Siberia and Transbaikalia to Sea of Okhotsk. Winters from Indian Subcontinent and Maldives through Indochina to SE China and Taiwan, and Philippines and W Indonesia. Also found irregularly in Saudi Arabia, E Africa and Aldabra Is.
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Descriptive notes.
26 cm, 85-170 g, wingspan 45 cm. Medium sized snipe, very similar to G. megala but primaries normally only just longer than tertials, and tail projects only slightly beyond primaries.
Wing coverts have brown-buff spots at tip. Has short tail, with distinctive pin shaped outer tail feathers, not usually visible in the field, but in flight, toes project beyond tail tip notably more than in G. megala. Differs from G. fallinago and paraguaiae by supercilium broader than eye stripe and crown stripe at base of bill.
Pale panel across median upperwing coverts, evident in flight, with white trailing edge virtually absent. Female very similar to male, but bill averages slightly longer. No seasonal variation.
In slightly drier areas than favoured by Common snipe. Breeds in Arctic and boreal wetlands, damp meadows and shrub tundra with patches of dwart birch.
After breeding, found in wide variety wetland habitats, flooded paddyfields, wet grassland, seepage swamps and marshland. Often feeds on muddy shotelines and stream bands.
Food and Feeding.
Diet includes molluscs, insects and there larvae, earthworms, occasionally crustaceans, seeds and other plant matter.
Feeds by probing in soft ground, or pecking from surface. Crepuscular, nocturnal and whin undisturbed, diurnal.
May-Jun. Presumably monogamous. Dazzling communal aerial display, in which flock of up to 15 males suddenly plunges sideways, or each male glides and falls downwares, turning from side to side, whilst uttering frequent creis and producing sounds with modified tail feathers.
Nest is shallow depression lined with vegetation, usually well concealed by dense cover. 4 eggs, single brood, incubation 20 days.
Chick yellowish brown or dark brown with white or pale buff-tipped down.
Migratory. moves overland in broad front. Crosses Pakistan and Iran, C Asia, Mongolia, Tibet, N China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Birds in W breeding range cross Himalayas to India. Common on passage in Borneo, uncommonly recorded in Korea.
Arrives in winter quarters late Aug to Oct, and remains till Mar. Probably also some movement over Middle East and across Indian Ocean towards E Africa. Migrates in small flocks of 5-10 birds.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Number in wintering grounds in Asia estimate 1.000.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies Gallinago stenura. Straggler, recorded and photographed near Eilot by Shirihai.

(in Israel)