י224) חופית אלפינית


Calidris alpina
Calidris alpina
Calidris alpina

:חופית אלפינית
. חופמאי קטן ושכיח, מכונס צואר
. בחורף חלקי הגוף העליונים אפורים בהירים ומפוספסים בשחור
, בקיץ שפולי החזה ובטנה שחורים
. חלקי גופה העליונים ערמוניים ומנומרים בשחור
, במעופה בולטים פס שחור מהגב ועד קצה הזנב
. ופס לבן לרוחב הכנף. צידי השת לבנים גם הם
, מקורה ארוך ונוטה כלפי מטה, רגליה דקות וארוכות
. אצבעה האחורית קצרה ומוגבהת
. בית גידולה שדות לחים עם שיחי אברש, בצות , וערבות עשב בטונדרה
. לאחר הדגירה שפכי נהרות, מקוי מים מתוקים או מעופשים, לגונות וחופי ים
. בארץ עוברת אורח וחורפת מצויה ברוב חלקי הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. a. arctica NE Greenland. Winters in NW Africa.
C. a. schinzii SE Greeland, Iceland, Faeroes and British Is to Baltic and S Scandinavia. Winters in S Europe and NW Africa.
C. a. alpina N Scandinavia and N Russia. Winters from W Europe and Mediterranean to NW India and Bangladesh.
C. a. sakhalina R Kolyma to Chukotskiy Peninsula. Winters in E China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
C. a. actites N Sakhalin. Winters unknown.
C. a. kistchinskii N Sea of Okhotsk and Koryak Mts through Kamchatka to Kuril Is. Winters unknown.
C. a. arcticola NW Alaska N of Seward Peninsula, and NW Canada. Winters in E China, Korea and Japan.
C. a. pacifica SW Alaska S OF Seward Peninsula. Winters in W USA and W Mexico.
C. a. hudsonia C Canada. Winters in WE USA and E Mexico. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
15-20 cm, 30-85 g, wingspan 38 cm. Short necked sandpiper with hunched posture.
Rufous upperparts, black belly. Longish bill noticeably decurved, especially towards tip.
Female averages larger and longer billed, often has browner, less contrasting hindneck.
Non-breeding adult has plain grey head, breast and upperparts, white chin, throat and lower underparts.
Races differ mainly in size, bill length, coloration of upperparts and extent of black on belly. arctica smallest and dullest, with shortest bill. pacifica and hudsonia largest and brightest, with longest bills. Fringes of upperparts rusty red in alpina, yellower in schinzii , reddish yellow in arctica.
Breeds on moist, boggy ground, interspersed with surface water, including tussock tundra and peat hummock tundra in Arctic, and wet coastal grassland, salt-marshes and wet upland moorland.
Outside breeding season, mainly at estuarine mudflats, but also at wide variety of freshwater and brackish wetlands, both coastal and inland, including lagoons, muddy freshwater shores, tidal rivers and sometimes on sandy coasts.
Food and Feeding.
Diet includes insects: craneflies, beetles, caddisflies, wasps, and mayflies also spiders, mites, earthworms, snails, and plant mterial.
Non-breeding diet chiefly polychaete worms and small gastropods, also insects, crustaceans, bivalves, occasionally small fish and plant matter.
Feeds mainly by probing, in quick manner, often interspersed with short runs, also by sewing, lunging and pecking. Most prey swallowed as bill extracted from mud. Worms often washed before swallowed. Diurnal and nocturnal forager. In non-breeding range highly gregarious.
Jun-Jul in Arctic, Apr-May in South. Monogamous and solitary.
Nest concealed in vegetation, usually on top of tussock. Nest cup filled with grass and leaves. 4 eggs, single brood, incubation 20-22 days, both sexes incubate and tend brood, female usually leaving first.
Chick ochraceous tawny to orange cinnamon above mottled with black bands and dense rows of white down tips, ochraceous face and dirty white underparts.
Migratory. Race arctica moves from Greenland through Iceland, Britain and W France to Morocco and W Africa.
Race schizii passes through Britain, France and Portugal to NW Africa.
Race alpina winters in Europe and NW Africa.
Easternmost birds migrate farthest, many moult in Wadden Sea or Wash, arriving from Jul, followed by W movements in Wct-Nov to British Is.
Birds wintering in E Mediterranean make long distance, flights overland across E Europe.
At least 3 races move down E Asian coast, where passage recorded through Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and coastal China.
Race arcticola stages in W Alaska, and crosses Bering Strait to E Asia winter quarters.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Only race alpina estimated at 1.400.000 birds.
In Israel three subspecies C. a. alpina. Common migrant and winter visitor in most low-lying parts, race C. a. sakhalina rare spring visitor, and race C. a. schinzii rare migrant.

C. a. alpina
(in Israel)

C. a. schinzii
(in Israel)

C. a. sakhalina
(in Israel)

C. a. hudsonia