י225) חרמשית

Broad-billed Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper

Limicola falcinellus
Limicola falcinellus
Limicola falcinellus

. חופמאי קטן, בעל מקור ארוך, רחב ונוטה בקצהו כלפי מטה
. דומה לחופית אלפינית בחורף, אבל קטנה ממנה, כהה, קצרת רגלים וארוכת מקור
. גבה דומה לגב החרטומית, ובצידיו שני פסים לבנים. בצידי ראשה פסי גבה לבנים
. בקיץ חלקי גופה העליונים שחומים, על השת לבן, זנבה אפרפר ומרכזו שחור
. גרונה לבנבן ומנוקד בנקודות שחומות, הבטן לבנה ובכנפיה בולט פס לבן בהיר בזמן מעופה
. בית גידולה טונדרות וטייגות צפוניות, בזמן הנדידה ליד מקוי מים ושטחי בוץ
. בארץ עוברת אורח נדירה למדי ברוב חלקי הארץ המישוריים והלחים
Subspecies and Distribution.
L. f. falcinellus Scandinavia and NW Rrssia. Winters from E and S Africa through Arabia to W and S India and Sre lanka.
L. f. sibirica Taymyr to R Kolyma. Winters from NE India throug SE Asia, Philippines and Indonesia to Australia. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
17 cm, 30-65 g, wingspan 35 cm. Small shoreline wader, slightly smaller than Calidris alpina with long, broad bill decurved at tip.
Distinctive split supercilium, short legs, black mantle and scapulars with whitish fringes in fresh plumage, and whitish lines down edges. Wing coverts grey-brown with whitish fringes.
Female averages larger. Non-breeding adult has grey-brown upperparts with dark streaks or feather centres and white fringes. Underparts white, but breast with faint grey-brown streaks.
Race sibirica has brighter rufous fringes to feathers upperparts, also distinguished by broader lower supercilium and narrower upper supercilium.
Subarctic lowland zone, possibly up to northernmost taiga, in wet bogs and on open peatland.
Race sibirica breeds in wet Arctic tundra.
During migration, species occurs in soft muddy areas on shores of ponds and lakes, also found on windflats, shallow freshwater to saline, lagoons, overgrazed meadows, inlets of fjords and river sandbanks.
Food and Feeding.
Nereids, and marine worms, snails, bivalves, crustaceans, insects and sometimes seeds.
While feeding, walks slowly, picking from side to side and occasionally drilling and probing, often with head at typical sideways angle. May make short runs, feeds on soft mud or wet sand and occasionally wades in shallow water.
Singly or in small flocks, sometimes mingling with other waders.
Jun-Jul in Russia, Jun in Fenno-Scandia. Monogamous, in loose colonies up to 10 pairs, male aggressively territorial.
Nest is cup lined with vegetation, often on top of tussock. 3-4 aggs, single brood, incubation 21 days.
Chick has chestnut or hazel brown upperparts, with bold black bands and lines of powder-puff, contrasting white underparts and buff tinged breast. Chicks tended by both parents, but female deserts before fledging.
Migrates in broad front SE across Europe. Substantial numbers stage in in Sivash, S Ukraine, in May, also Middle East coasts, Caspian Sea and Bulgarian seaboard in Sep.
Present in Africa mainly from Sep to Apr. Large numbers pass NE China, in Aug. Present in NW Australia mainly from late Oct.
Return migration Apr-Jun, reaching breeding grounds in May-Jun. Migrates singly or in small parties, but on spring migration flocks of up to several hundred.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. poplation of two races estimated at 50.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies L. f. falcinellus. Quite rare passage migrant over low-lying areas.

(in Israel)