י195) חרטומית ביצות

Common Snipe
Common Snipe
Common Snipe

Gallinago gallinago
Gallinago gallinago
Gallinago gallinago

:חרטומית ביצות
. חרטומית קטנה עד בינונית, מקורה ארוך במידה רבה וגחונה לבן
. מעופה מהיר ולא יציב מבין החרטומיות שבגודלה
. לעיתים עורכת להטוטי תעופה בקבוצות קטנות
, בתקופת הכלולות נוהגת לצלול בזויות תלולות
. לעמוד על עצמים נמוכים ולצייץ
, בית גידולה אזורים פתוחים שיש בהם מים מתוקים
. או מלוחים במקצת העטורים בצמחיה
. בארץ עוברת אורח וחורפת מצויה בכל רחבי הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
G. g. faeroeensis Iceland, Faeroes, and Shetland. Winters in British Is.
G. g. gallinago British Is, Scandinavia and W Europe through NC Eurasia to Kamchatka and W Aleutians, with isolated population from Afganistan to India. Winters from W Europe, Mediterranean and equatorial Africa through Middle East, Arabia and Indian subcontinent to E China, S Korea, S Japan, Philippines and W Indonesia.
G. g. delicata E Aleutians and Alaska through Canada to Newfoundland, and S to California, New Mexico and New Jersey. Wenters from NW and C USA through Central America and Greater Antilles to N South America .
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Descriptive notes.
26 cm, 70-180 g, wingspan 45 cm. Small to medium sized snipe, with rather long bill and white belly. Plumage variable, and melanistic morph occurs.
Flight faster and more erratic than other snipes of similar size. Differs from very similar G. stenura, G. hardwickii and G. megala by prominent white trailing edge to wing, and supercilium narrower than eyestripe at base of bill.
Sexes alike. No seasonal variation. Juvenile very similar to adult, but wing coverts more neatly fringed pale buff.
Race faeroeensis darker and more rufous above, with narrower, less contrasting, back stripes. G. delicata darker than faeroeensis.
Generally less rufous than nominate with heavier barring on flanks, and usually has darker underwing.
Open fresh or brackish marshland with rich or tussocky vegetation, grassy or marshy edges of lakes and rivers, wet hay fields, swampy meadows and marshy tundra, in forest tundra and extreme northern taiga zones.
In general, found in areas providing combination of grassy cover and moist soils, rich in organic matter. Outside breeding season, generally occupies similar habitats, with more use of man made habitats' sewage farms and rice fields.
Food and Feeding.
Larval and adult insects, earthworms, small crustaceans, small gastropods and spiders. Plant fibres and seeds consumed in smaller quantities.
Feeds by vertical, rhythmic probing in substrate, often without removing bill from soil. Feeds typically in small groups, essentially crepuscular.
Apr-Jun, monogamous, but both sexes show high degree of promiscuity. Territorial.
Nest usually on dry spot, covered by grasses, rushes, sedges or sphagnum. 4 eggs, incubation 17-20 days, by female alone.
Chick mahogany red, moe hazel brown or tawny on sides of head and underparts, with black and white bands on head. Both parents care for young, but male entices oldest 1 or 2 from nest to tend.
Migratory, wintering S to N tropics. some populations sedentary or partially migratory. British Is, W and C USA. Moves quickly from breeding grounds to moulting areas, and after few weeds quickly migrates to wintering grounds. High degree of site fidelity at staging sites.
Birds wintering in Afrotropics presumably from Russia, crossing Sahara on broad front. European and Atlantic birds move to Sand W Europe. Mearctic population mainly megratory.
Autumn passage from late Jul-Nov, with arrival in N Africa mainly Sep-Oct, S of Sahara mainly Oct-Nov, South America in Jul. Most birds leave South America and Africa in Mar, crosses Europe Mar-May, males typically arriving on breeding grounds two weeks earlier than females.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Total North American population probably 1.000.000, in Europe 500.000 and in W Siberia 1.000.000 birds.
In Israel subspecies G. g. gallinago. Common passage migrant and winter visitor throughout Isral.

G. g. gallinago
(in Israel)

G. g. gallinago

G. g. gallinago

G. g. faeroeensis