י274) קטה גדולה

Black-bellied Sandgrouse
Black-bellied Sandgrouse
Black-bellied Sandgrouse

Pterocles orientalis
Pterocles orientalis
Pterocles orientalis

:קטה גדולה
הקטה הגדולה באזורנו. מבין הקטות קצרות הזנב היא
. היחידה שבטנה שחורה כולה בשני הזויגים
. גב הזכר והכנפים חומים צהבהבים ומנומרים באפור
. הראש, העורף והצואר אפורים הגרון ערמוני
. בשעת מעופו בולטת תחתית כנפו הלבנה
לנקבה חזה בצבע החול, שאר גופה חום צהבהב
. מפוספס בכתמים חומים שחורים
. בית גידולה שולי מדבר, ערבות יבשות ואזורים מעובדים
. תפוצתה מצפון אפריקה דרך המזרח התיכון עד אירן ומזרח רוסיה
. בארץ תושבת שכיחה במרכז וצפון הנגב, נדירה בעמק הירדן
Subspecies and Distribution.
P. o. orientalis Iberian Peninsula, Canary Is and NW Africa from Morocco to NW Libya also Cyprus, Israel, Anatolia and Armenia.
P. o. arenarius NW Kazakhstan E to NW China, and S to Iran, Afghanistan and SW Pakistan.
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Descriptive notes.
Bulky sandgrouse, combines black belly with wedge-shaped, short central rectrices. 35-40 cm, 300-450 g, wingspan 70-75 cm.
Underside of wings has white coverts contrasting with dark remiges, narrow pectoral black band and black patch at base of throat, bigger and triangular shaped in male, Bill grey to black horn, orbital ring whitish.
Female duller and more mottled. Juvenile like adult, but paler.
Race arenarius somewhat paler, but some specimens indistinguishable.
Habitat. Semi-arid plains, with steppe to semi-desert vegetation. As a rule, occurs in cooler and less arid situations than sympatric sandgrouse species.
Compared with Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, tolerates occasional shrubs or trees and also occupies foothills and upland plateaux.
Food and Feeding.
Diet mainly seeds, often small or very small, apparently preferring Leguminosae, in agricultural areas, feeds on cereal grain, and cultivated legumes.
Drinks during morning, usually 3-4 hours after sunrise. In hot weather, some birds drink again an hour before sunset.
Breeding. Mar-Aug, depend on latitude. Nest is scrape or natural depression, usually un lined. 3 eggs, incubation 21-24 days. Male sitting from 1 hour before sunset to 4 hours anfter sunrise.
Chick has tawny ochre down with black and white markings.
Sedentary in Iberia and N Africa, nomadic or partly migratory in Turkey and Middle East.
Largely migratory in Kazakhstan, Turkestan and rest of northern breeding areas. Winter grounds scattered throutgh Near and Middle East, S to Sinai and Kuwait E to NW India.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Widespread but often uncommon and usually encountered in pairs or small flocks, except in some winter quarters.
In Israel subspecies P. o. orientalis. Common local resident and winter visitor, in central and northern Negev. scarce winter visitor in Jordan River Valley.

P. o. orientalis
(in Israel)

P. o. arenarius

P. o. arenarius

P. o. arenarius