י276) קטה הודית

Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse
Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse
Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse

Pterocles lichtensteinii
Pterocles lichtensteinii
Pterocles lichtensteinii

:קטה הודית
. קטה קצרת-זנב והקטנה מבין הקטות בארץ
. מראה כהה בגלל הפספוס הרב בשני הזויגים
. צבע הרקע חום בהיר והפספוס בצבע חום כהה
. לזכר הפספוס גס יותר ועל ראשו כתמים לבנים ושחורים
בית גידולה אזורים מדבריים, מדבריים למחצה ויבשים
. המלווים בשיחים ואבנים. נמנעת מאזורים פתוחים או מעובדים
. נוהגת לשתות בשעות החשכה לפני הזריחה, ב"נחל הצומח" ליד אילת
. בארץ יציבה ולא שכיחה בהרי אילת ובדרום הנגב
... אמר אביי קואי וקוקאי אסירי קקואתא שריא ... חולין סג, ע"א
Subspecies and Distribution.
P. o. orientalis Iberian Peninsula, Canary Is and NW Africa from Morocco to NW Libya also Cyprus, Israel, Anatolia and Armenia.
P. l. targius S Morocco and Mauritania E to Chad.
P. l. lichtensteinii S Israel, Sinai, SE Egypt and Sudan to N Ethiopia, N Somalia and Socotra I.
P. l. sukensis SE Sudan and S Ethiopia S to C Kenya.
P. l. ingramsi Yemen.
P. l. arabicus S Arabia, E to S Iran, S Afghanistan and Pakistan. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Small, round-tailed, densely barred in both sexes. 25 cm, 175-250 g, wingspan50 cm.
Male with bands on breast and black and white pattern on forehead. Differs by having vermiculations also on neck and upper chest of males and throat of females.
Male, yellowish breast patch, dull red bill and yellow orbital ring. Subspecies differ for general color tones and relative width of bars.
Habitat. Deserts, semi-deserts and arid rocky and scrubby areas, dry wadis and hillsides, often within mountain massifs. Prefers Acacia shrubs and trees. Avoids flat open desert and cultivated areas.
Food and Feeding.
Diet predominantly seeds, mostly of Acacia but also Salsola, Cassia, Asphodelus and Prosopia, and other plants.
Mainly active by night, drinks after sunset and before sunrise.
Breeding. Feb-Sep. Nest scrape on ground, typically among scattered trees or rocks, in the open or under low shrub.
2-3 eggs, male incubates by night. Downy chick described as markedly uniform warm donkey brown, slightly paler in underparts.
Sedentary, but perhaps nomadic in places.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Sparsely distributed, but extensive range and often frequent to locally common.
In Israel subspecies P. l. lichtensteinii. Uncommon local resident in southeastern Negev, Eilat mountains and Arava Valley.

P. l. lichtensteinii
(in Israel)

P. l. targius

P. l. targius

P. l. sukensis