י278) יונת עצים

Stock Dove
Stock Dove
Stock Dove

Columba oenae
Columba oenae
Columba oenae

:יונת עצים
. צבעה הכללי אפרפר-כחלחל, דומה ליונת ענק אך קטנה וקצרת זנב ממנה
. על כנפיה שני פסים קצרים ושחורים ושתה האפור מבדילים אותה מיונת הסלעים
. בזמן אכילתה בשדות, להקותיה מתערבבות עם להקות יוני ענק, ויוני בית שחזרו לחיות בטבע
. בית גידולה אזורים צמחיה פתוחים ושדות מעובדים, במיוחד אזורים שבין חורשות עצים ושטחי בור
. בארץ שכיחה למדי, ומבקרת חורף בצפון ובמרכז הארץ
... רעיתי, יונתי, תמתי ... שיר השירים ה' 2
...ואמר רבי שמואל מזגא חמרא אסירא בת מזגא שריא ... חולין סב ע"א, סג ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
P. o. orientalis Iberian Peninsula, Canary Is and NW Africa from Morocco to NW Libya also Cyprus, Israel, Anatolia and Armenia.
C. o. oenas Britain N to S Scandinavia and Finland, S to Portugal and NW Africa, and E to N Iran, Caspian Sea and NE Kazakhstan.
C. o. yarkandensis E Uzbekistan, Kirgiaia and Tadjikistan E through Tien Shan and Tarim Basin to Lop Nur. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Closely related to Rock Dove, with general color blue grey. 33 cm, 285-365 g, wingspan 65 cm.
Primaries and secondaries with black tips, conspicuous in flight. Two short black bars across upperpart of folded wing with a third shorter and fainter, though in male sometimes quite conspicuous. Breast mauve-pink, iridescent patch of green and mauve-pink on both sides of neck, in some individuals meeting across hindneck.
Tail grey with terminal black band, outermost rectrices with white edges. Iris dark brown, orbital skin blue-grey, bill pink basally and yellow distally, cere white, legs red.
Female duller, with legs and bill darker. Juvenile even duller, mauve-pink of breast replaced by rusty fawn, legs dark.
Race yarkandensis averages paler, with slightly longer wing.
Habitat. Fairly open country, often in cultivation, and extending into open woodland. Partial to borders between forest and open country, with many old trees providing breeding hollows.
Food and Feeding.
Main diet based on vegetation parts, like seeds, grain, green leaves, buds, flowers and some invertebrates. Mostly feeds on the ground.
Breeding. Apr-Oct. Prefers to nest in holes which may be in old trees, rock crevices, rabbit burrows or buildings. Nest may found in clumps of dense vegetation of even under bushes. Nest is usually a twig platform, although sometimes eggs are laid on bare wood.
2 white eggs, incubation 16-18 days.
Northern populations of N and E Europe, are almost all migratory, moving further south.
Population in S Europe and Asia Minor mainly resident. Birds winter in Iberia and southern half of France, as well as rest of N Mediterranean basin.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Fairly common in parts of extensive range. European population estimated at least of 450.000 pairs.
In Israel subspecies C. o. oenas. Common winter visitor in northern and central the country.

C. o. oenas
(in Israel)

C. o. oenas

C. o. oenas