י282) תור צווארון

Eurasian Collared-dove
Eurasian Collared-dove
Eurasian Collared-dove

Streptopelia decaocto
Streptopelia decaocto
Streptopelia decaocto

:תור צווארון
. תור גדול ובהיר, צבעו הכללי חום-אפרפר, הגב בהיר יותר ואילו גחונו חום-ורדרד
. בסיס תחתית הכנף אפורה בהירה הזנב ותת השת שחורים, קצה הזנב לבן
. לאחורי צווארו קולר שחור המבדילו משאר התורים באזורנו ומכאן שמו
. בית גידולו המקורי היו הודו וסרי לנקה, משם התפשט עד לסקנדינביה
. מעדיף נופים יבשים עטורי שיחים ועצים הגובלים בשטחים מעובדים
. בארץ יציב ונפוץ בכל חלקי הארץ
... וקול התור נשמע בארצנו ... שיר השירים ב' 12
Subspecies and Distribution.
S. d. decaocto Europe to Asia Minor, Turkestan and N China and S to NE Africa, Israel, Iraq, Iran, India, Sri Lanka and W China.
S. d. xanthocyclus Myanmar, and E China. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Bulky and paler Collared-dove. 31 cm, 150-200 g, wingspan 45-55 cm. Forehead and crown pale grey hindneck bordered by wite above and below. Lores and ear-coverts pale grey merging into vinous mantle, back, scapulars, lesser wing coverts, tertials and tail sandy grey-brown.
Alula, greater and primary coverts and secondaries pale grey, latter with brownish grey tips. Iris deep red, orbital ring cream, bill black, legs mauve-red.
Sexes alike. Race xanthocyclus darker with bright yellow versus white orbital skin.
Habitat. In its original range in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and other parts of Asia inhabits semi-desert and arid country with scattered trees, this populations avoid city centers and moist evergreen tracts. Elsewhere, occurs in towns and cities, parks, orchards and gardens.
Food and Feeding.
Feeds mostly on seeds, cereal grain, fruits of herbs and grasses. Beetles, flies and small molluscs are also taken. Although most food is taken on the ground, birds may fly up with rapid wingbeats to pluck berries from bushes and trees.
Breeding. Generally resident throughout extensive range. Most young disperse less than 300 km from hatching site, although a few known to have dispersed 500 km.
Generally resident throughout extensive range. Most young disperse less than 300 km from hatching site, although a few known to have dispersed 500 km.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Common to abundant throughout much of its extensive range.
In Israel subspecies S. d. decaocto. Common to abundant resident in all regions of the country.

S. d. decaocto
(in Israel)

S. d. xanthocyclus

S. d. decaocto

S. d. decaocto