י288) תוכי נזירי

Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Monk Parakeet

Myiopsitta monachus
Myiopsitta monachus
Myiopsitta monachus

:תוכי נזירי
. תוכי בינוני בגודלו, מצחו, קודקודו, לחיו התחתונה וסנטרו אפורים
. שאר ראשו ירוק, גלימתו וכנפיו בגוון ירוק-חום, קצות נוצות כנפיו כחולות
. עורפו, שתו ונוצות כנפיו העליונות ירוקות-צהבהבות. זנבו ירוק וקצותיו כחולים
. בית גידולו משתרע בדרום אמריקה מבוליביה ועד ארגנטינה
, בית חיותו, מגוון רחב של חורשים באזורים יבשים למחצה עד לרום של 1 ק"מ
. לרוב ליד מגורי אדם ואף בפארקים עירוניים
. בארץ התחיל להתרבות בגוש דן כפליט תרבות מהצפרי
... שנהבים וקפים ותוכים ... מלכים א' י' 22
Subspecies and Distribution.
M. m cotorra S Bolivia, Paraguay, S Brazil and NW Argentina.
M. m. monachus SE Brazil, Uruguay and NE Argentina.
M. m. calita W Argentina.
Introduced lo many areas, especially in North America and Europe, from 2000 breeds near Tel Avive. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
28-29 cm: 90-140 g. Fore-head. lores, lower cheek and chin light grey, rest of head green, browner green on mantle and duller on wings, primaries and secondaries deep blue on outer webs.
Lower back, rump and upperwing-coverts yellowish green. Tail green with blue staining along feather shafts. Breast brownish broadly edged light grey, creating scaled effect, broad yellowish olive band across belly, lower belly, thighs and vent yellowish green.
Immature has forebead tinged green.
Race calita smaller, head darker grey: cotorra like previous race but brighter green, bellY less yellowish.
Habitat. Dry semi-open lowlands, generally to 1000 m, in gallery forest, savanna woodland, dry Acacia scrubland, xerophytic thickets, palm groves, woodlots, ranchland and orchards, especially near human habitation, also city parks and wooded suburban areas.
Food and Feeding.
Seeds of grasses, herbs and various trees, especially Ceitis tala and palm nuts, with thistles very important in breeding season; also fruits, berries, leaf buds, blossoms and insects.
Serious pest of maize, sorghum and other cereals, plus sunflowers, peaches, pears and citrus crops.
Breeding. Oct-Feb. Communal nester. Builds conspicuous enclosed nests of sticks cut with bill, commonly from spiny Cellis bushes, nests often with several chambers, and sometimes many, sometimes solitary, but usually occupied (throughout the year) by different pairs and non-breeding individuals: highest available site preferred, hence nests placed in the tops of trees, notably introduced eucalypts, but also on pylons and windmills.
1-11 eggs. Incubation 24 days; nestling period in captivity c. 6 weeks. Higher productivity noted in eucalypts than in native vegetation.
Apparently sedentary except at the edges of its range, where presence may be seasonal.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Common to abundant throughout its range, and has increased with the spread of settlements (now encroaching into the pampas where eucalypts are planted), so that often now regarded as a major pest.
In Israel subspecies Mywpsitta monachus from 2000 some flocks breeds near Tel Avive.

Mywpsitta monachus
(in Israel)

M. m cotorra