י 293) תנשמת לבנה

Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl

Tyto alba
Tyto alba
Tyto alba

: תנשמת לבנה
. דורס לילה נפוץ גם במקומות ישוב
. פניה לבנים ועטורים בנוצות קטנות וכהות, הנראות בצורת לב
, הגב בצבע חום-זהוב המשתנה בין תת-המינים השונים
. מלבן ועד לבן-צהבהב כצבע החול, בלילה בשעת מעופה השקט נראת כרוח רפאים
. הגחון מוכתם ומנוקד בחום-אפרפר
. מקורה קצר ומעוקל כלפי מטה, הרגל ארוכה, האצבעות חשופות, ארוכות וחזקות
. הכנף צרה, מעוגלת וארוכה, הזנב רבוע וקצר
. בית גידולה מגוון תלוי בטרפה. משדות פתוחים עם עצים ועד שולי אגמים ומקווי מים, וליד מגורי אדם
. ניתן למצוא את קינה באסמים שונים
. בארץ יציבה ושכיחה בעיקר במישור החוף במרכז וצפון הארץ ובאזורים מפוזרים בשאר חלקי הארץ
... את הכוס ואת הינשוף והתנשמת ... דברים י"ד טז'
Subspecies and Distribution.
T. a. alba W and S Europe to N Turkey, also W Canary Is, and N Africa from Morocco to Egypt S to Mauritania, Algeria, Niger and NE Sudan. T. a. guttata C Europe E to Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine, and SE to Albania, Macedonia, romainia and Greece. T. a. erneste Sardinia and Corsica. T. a. schmitzi Madeira and Port Santo. T. a. erlangeri Crete and S Greek islands, Cyprus, patchily from Syria E to Iran and S to Sinai, Israel and Arabia Peninsula. T. a. gracilirostris E Canary Is. T. a. detorta Cape Verde Is. T. a. affinis Africa S from S edge of Sahara, including Zanzibar, Madagascar and Comoro Is. T. a. poensis Biomo Is. T. a. thomensis Sao Tome Is. T. a. stertens Indian Subcontinent s to Sri Lanka, and E to China, Vietnam and S Thailand. T. a. deroepstorffi S Andaman Is. T. a. sumbaensis Sumba Is. T. a. Javanica Malaya Peninsula S to Greater Sundas. T. a. meeki New Guinea and nearby islands. T. a. delicatula from Timor to Tanimbar Is, Australia and offshore island, New Britain and New Irland also Solomon Is, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Loyalty Is, Fiji, Wallis and Futuna, Niue, Western Samoa and Samoa. T. a. crassirostris Tanga Is. T. a. interposita Santa Cruz, Banks Is and N Vanuatu. T. a. pratincola S Canada S at least to Mesico, also Bermuda, Bahamas and Hispaniola. T. a. guatemalae Guatemala to Panama. T. a. bondi Bay Is. T. a. furcata Cuba, Cayman Is, and Jamaica.
T. a. niveicauda I of Pines. T. a. bargei Curacao. T. a. punctatissima Galapagos Is.
T. a. contempta W Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. T. a. hellmayri E Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil to Trinidad and Tobago.
T. a. tuidara Brazil S to Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Is. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Medium-sized, long-legged owl with distinctive heart shaped face.29-44 cm, 187-700 g, wingspan 87-93 cn.
Nominate race golden-buff above, with variable light greyish "veil", and finely streaked, mottled and dotted dark. White facial disc and underparts, sometimes with pale buff on sides of chest and/or fine spotting on breast and flanks. Legs densely feathered, eyes dark.
buoyant, slow, wavering flight, with legs dangling, appears ghost-like.
Habitat. Depend on availability of prey, seasonality in temperate regions, and competition from other predators. In higher latitueds limited by severity of winters, rarely occurring N of areas with mean Jan temperature around or few degrees below 0 c.
Prefers open lowlands with some trees, including farmland with hedges, ditches, ponds and banks, roadside verges and related rougher terrain, and young conifer plantations, also around towns, villages or more isolated buildings suitable for daytime roosts and nest sites.
In lower latitudes, also semi arid and some arid regions with xerophytic vegetation, dwarf shrub and herb communities, deciduous or mixed eucalyptus woodland, acacia savanna, thorn bush, open marshes, irrigation areas, and cane fields, and cliffs and rocky coasts in some regions.
Food and Feeding.
Basically diet small mammals, usually dominated by only few species, especially rats and mice. In Europe and North America also voles, gophers and shrews. In Africa also shrews, other insectivora and gerbils. In South America also small opossums. In Australia also bandicoots, and gliders.
In some temperate regions, when main prey species scarce or absent, many starve rather than switch to alternatives.
Hunts close to ground in searching flight, undulating and hovering, diving on to prey with talons extended, usually from height of 3 m, also commonly from perch. Normally strictly nocturnal, with high auditory acuity in locating prey in complete darkness.
Breeding. In tropics can start in almost any month, generally late in dry season. In temperate regions mostly Mar-Jun, whin double brooded mostly Mar-May and Jun-Aug, initial activity varying among habitats.
In South Africa after rains, Feb-May. In Australia opportunistic according to food supply, can be at any time of year.
Monogamous, but polygamy sometimes recoreded. Territorial, but loosely colonial nesting recoreded. Site a natural cavity in tree trunk, stump or large hollow branch, 2-20 m above ground. Wide diversity of artificial structures with adequate room and access also used. Clutch usually 4-7 eggs, incubation 29-34 days. Male's only involvement is in feeding female and young.
Most populations sedentary, with post-breeding dispersal of Juveniles, as well as some movement of adults where prey abundance.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Status of many populations uncertain, particularly those on islands, but others locally common and in some areas even expanding.
In Israel subspecies T. a. erlangeri. Common resident throughout low-lying Mediterranean Climates of central and northern Israel, and scattered all desert regions.

T. a. erlangeri
(in Israel)

T. a. guttata

T. a. affinis

T. a. alba