י 297) אוח מדברי

Pharaoh Eagle-owl
Pharaoh Eagle-owl
Pharaoh Eagle-owl

Bubo ascalaphus
Bubo ascalaphus
Bubo ascalaphus

:אוח מדברי
. B. buboI ו B. bengalensis בעבר נחשב כתת מין של
, כיום מסווג כמין נפרד. ההפרדה מבוססת בעיקר בקולות שהוא משמיע ובמבנה הגופני
. לא משכנעות D.N.A למרות שבדיקות
. ובהיר יותר B. b. interpositus האוח המדברי קטן מתת המין של
, בית גידולו משתרע בצפון אפריקה ומערבה דרך מצרים וישראל לעירק. באזורים מדבריים
. על גבעות סלעים וטרשים, בואדיות ובמדבריות זרועת אבנים
. בארץ בראשית שנות ה90' הוערך מספר הזוגות בנגב ב50
... ומלאו בתיהם אחים ... ישעיה י"ג כב
Subspecies and Distribution.
B. a. ascalaphus NW Africa and N Egypt.
B. a. desertoum Sahara S ro Mauretania and Niger, E to Ethiopia, Arabia and Iraq.
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Descriptive notes.
Forms superspecies with B. bubo and B. bengalensis, sometimes considered part of same group. Formerly treated as conspecific with B. bubo. Separation based mainly on vocalizations, and partly morphology, but DNA evidence not conclusive, also appears to intergrade with B. bubo in parts of Midlle East, suggesting that conspecificity perhaps possible. on other hand, some range overlap without known intermediates with B. bubo race hispanus in NW Africa, although latter now presumed extinct there.
45-50 cn, 1900-2300 g, wingspan 115-120 cm. Distingueshed from B. bubo by smaller size, shorter ear-tufts, paler appearance, less streaked and more mottled.
Race desertoum slightly smaller and paler, more sandy, with very pale under parts. Voice slightly higher than B. bubo.
Habitat. Mainly rocky desert with cliffs and open desert with rock outcrops. Roosts by day in rock cleft or crevice, occasionally in tree if present.
Food and Feeding.
Diet, small mammals, especially rodents, with gerbils favoured prey. Birds and reptiles, also taken.
Generally opportunist, taking any animal food available, including desert foxes, hares, bats and scorpions. Crepuscular or nocturnal, hunts from perch.
Breeding. Feb-Mar. Monogamous, pairs for life.
Nest a scrape in rock crevice, among rocks or on ground, sometimes down well, sometimes old nest of large bird or tree hole in desertified areas.
Some territory maintained for many years. 2 eggs, incubation 31-35 dayes by female, fed by male. Chick with buffish-white down. Young brooded and fed by female, male provides food, First breeding at 2-3 years.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Little know, but probably not uncommon in most of range.
In Israel subspecies B. a. ascalaphus. uncommon resident breeder mainly in Negev. 50 pairs estimated in early 1990's.

B. a. ascalaphus
in Israel

B. a. desertoum