י 299) לילית מצויה

Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl

Strix aluco
Strix aluco
Strix aluco

. דורס לילה בינוני בגודלו, צבעה הכללי חום
חלק גופה העליון חום כהה, סוככות הכנף
. מוכתמות ומפוספסות בכתמים שחומים ולבנים
. הגחון בהיר יותר ומפוספס לאורכו בפסים שחומים
. הראש גדול חסר ציצית, הפנים עגולים ועטורים בזר נוצות קטנות
. העינים גדולות ושחורות, המקור צהבהב-ירקרק
הרגלים קצרות ומנוצות, האצבעות מנוצות רק בחלק העליון
. ובעלות טפרים ארוכים, עדינים ומאונקלים
, בית גידולה יערות וחורשים דלילים של עצים נשירים
. בנופים סלעיים וליד ישובים חקלאיים
. בארץ יציבה לא שכיחה בצפון הארץ
... אך שם הרגיעה לילית ... ישיעה ל"ד יא'
Subspecies and Distribution.
S. a. aluco N and E Europe E to W Russia, S to Alps, Balkans and Black Sea .
S. a. siberiae from Ural Mts to W Siberia.
S. a. sylvatica France and Iberia, S Italy and Greece E to W and C Turkey and Middle East.
S. a. mauritanica Marocco to Tunisia.
S. a. willkonskii NE Turkey, caucasus and NW Iran, E to Turkmeniay.
S. a. sanctinicolai NE Iraq and W Iran. S. a. harmsi Turkestan.
S. a. biddulphi Pakistan and NW India. S. a. nivicola Nepal, WE China, S to Myanmar and N Indochina. S. a. ma NE China and Korea. S. a. yamadae Taiwan.
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Descriptive notes.
Medium-sized owl with noticeably stocky body, large and round head. 35-39 cm, 440-550 g, wingspan 95-104 cm.
Plumage polymorphic, with intermediates. Nominate race mostly grey-brown, facial disc generally pale with some darker concentric rings, crown with dark center bordered by pale bands.
Upperparts heavily mottled brown with darker shaft streaks outer webs of outer scapulars and upperwing coverts with large white or cream spot at tip. Underparts striaked dark and with variable thin cross-bars. Iris blackish-brown. Bill horn-clored to pale yellowish. Toes grey.
Races differ in color and size, but difficult to distinguish owing to large individual variation.
Race sylvatica smallest, usually rufous-brown or tawny-chestnut and mauritanica larger, wingspan up to 20% greater than nominate and sylvatica, always grey-brown.
Race siberiae distinctly paler, with much white, and nivicola, largest, longest-winged, more barred than streaked below.
Habitat. Open forest, woodland, farmland with trees, parks, larger gardens, also rocky areas with sufficient tree and bush cover.
Avoids large unbroken forest tracts, wetlands and treeless plains, frosty or arid climates.
Occurs from fringe of boreal zone through temperate regions and steppe to Mediterranean and related mountain zones. For hunting, requires richly structured habitat with plenty of lookout posts, including sparse woodland, clearings, and gardens among mature trees.
Food and Feeding.
Smal mammals, like shrews and rodens up to soz of young rabbits, small birds including pigeon, also amphibians, reptiles, insects, and occasionally fish.
Relative proportions of prey taken considered to reflect availability, rather than food specialization. Chiefly nocturnal, hunting between dusk and dawn. Occasionally diurnal.
Most prey located by sound. Hunts mostly from perch, turning body occasionally, makes frequent short flights, returning to same perch. Glides or drops on to prey, extends wings on impact to cover or strike prey. Usually consumes food on elevated perch.
Breeding. Feb-Jul. Monogamous, pairs for life. Nest in hole in tree, also in cliff or buiding, fidelity to nest-site marked.
3-5 eggs, female incubates and broods, fed by male, incubation 28-30 days. Age of first breeding 1-2 years.
Resident. Breeding adults remain in territory all year. Juveniles disperse by late autumn, in temperate areas usually within radius of a few km of natal site.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Common, throughout range. European population in 1990's estimated at 500.000 pairs.
In Israel subspecies S. a. sylvatica. Uncommon resident in northern Israel.

S. a. sylvatica
(in Israel)

S. a. aluco

S. a. nivicola

S. a. willkonskii