י 301) כוס החורבות

Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl

Athene noctua
Athene noctua
Athene noctua

:כוס החורבות
. דורס לילה קטן, גוץ ועגלגל
. נראה לעיתים באור היום עומד בראש עמוד, סלע או גג וקד קידות אופיניות
, צבעו הכללי חום, קודקודו מנוקד בנקודות לבנות אפרפרות
. שאר חלקי גופן העליונים מנומרים בכתמים לבנבנים
זר נוצות לבן מעטר את העינים, המקור צהבהב, קשתית העין צהובה
. הגחון חיוור ומפוספס בכתמים חומים כהים
. הכנפים רחבות ומעוגלות, הרגל והאצבעות מנוצות
. הטפרים עדינים, קצרים, חומים ומאונקלים. הזנב קצר ורבוע
. בית גידולו אזורים מגוונים ממדבריים למחצה, אזורים מעובדים ואף ערים
. שדות עם עצים פזורים, חורש דליל, מטעים
. בארץ ישנם ארבעה תת מינים יציבים ושכיחים ברוב חלקי הארץ
... 'ההיתי ככוס חורבות ... תהילים ק"ב ז
Subspecies and Distribution.
A. n. vidalii W and N Europe E to NW Russia.
A. n. noctua S Germany S to Sardinia and Sicily, E to Romania.
A. n. indigena Albania, SE Yugoslavia, S and E Romania, S Ukraine, S Russia, Caucasus and SW Siberia, S to Crete, Turky and Middle East (S to Haifa).
A. n. glaux N Africa, and coastal Israel S from Haifa.
A. n. saharae N and C Sahara (Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan), E into Arabian Peninsula.
A. n. somaliensis E Ethiopia, Somalia. A. n. spilogastra E Sudan, N Ethiopia.
A. n. lilith Cyprus, and inland Middle East from SE Turky S to S Sinai.
A. n. bactriana SE Azerbaijan, E Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan E through C Asia to L Balkhash.
A. n. orientalis NW China and adjacent Siberia. A. n. impasta Kokonor, W Gansu.
A. n. ludlowe SC China and Tibet. A. n. plumipes NE China, Mongolia and Ussuriland. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Small, compact, and plump owl is often seen in daylight, especially around dawn and dusk. 20-23 cm, 160-205 g, wingspan 55 cm.
Wings broad and rounded, flight undulating, with alternating bouts of flapping and closing wings.
Plumage color variable, from grey-brown or rufous-brown to ochre-buff. Upperparts spotted white, underparts splashed. Facial disc obvious on dark birds. Eyes bright yellow, bill pale yellow, legs proportionately long, feathered, pale yellowish to white.
Races differentiated by color and size vidalii darkest, dark umber-brown above white flecking on crownand whit spotting on mantle.
Race lilith palest, pattern similar to vidalii but with pale buff upperparts and extensive white markings. Other races intermediate.
Habitat. Wide variety of habitats from steppes and stony semi-desert to farmland and open woodland, also villages and urban areas.
Avoid tall and dense stands of trees and any dense vegetation, even margins of enclaves between forests, frequently perches on post, tree or telegraph wire, or even buildings, particularly isolated one.
Food and Feeding.
Diet includes largely small mammals and birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and other invertebrates.
Hunting essentially nocturnal and crepuscular, mainly dusk to midnight, rarely diurnal. Hunts by perching on post or similar vantage point, dropping on prey, occasionally hovers. Also hunts on ground, can run rapidly while chasing prey.
Larger prey taken with feet, smaller prey with bill.
Breeding. Mar-Aug. Monogamous, pair-bond often persisting all year and perhaps until partner dies.
Nest in cavity, hole cleaned and hollow scraped.
3-6 eggs, incubation28-33 days, by female. Chick with grey-mottled down.
Essentially resident. First-year birds disperse somewhat, but most settle within 20 km of natal site.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. European population estimated (1990'S) AT 250.000 pairs.
In Israel four subspecies A. n. lilith, A. n. indigena, A. n. glaux. and A. n. saharae. Common resident over all the country, the two last subspecies resident mainly in Negev and Arava.

A. n. indigena
(in Israel)

A. n. saharae
(in Israel)

A. n. noctua

A. n. vidalii