י 337) צחיחנית חרמון

Orned Lark
Orned Lark
Orned Lark

Eremophila alpestris
Eremophila alpestris
Eremophila alpestris

:צחיחנית חרמון
. עפרוני גדול, עם סינור גדול ושחור המתמשך דרך לחייה ועד למצחה
, האזורים השחורים בולטים על רקע לבן ועל קודקודה מזדקרות שתי קרנים
. שהן למעשה ציצת נוצות
. צבעה הכללי חום-אפור בחלק גופה העליון וגחונה לבנבן. שולי זנבה לבנים
. בית גידולה משתרע מארואסיה ועד לצפון אמריקה
. על קרקע סלעית ובתות אלפיניות ועד לרום של 5000 מ'
. חורפת בעיקר ליד חופי ים
. בארץ דוגרת קיץ לא שכיחה ויציבה בחרמון
... אמר ר' אסי שמונה ספיקין, חובא, חוגה ... חולין סב' ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
L. a. arvensis Azores and Europe from England to Norway E to Ural, S to France through Hungary, Czechoslovakia to Eropean USSR. E. a. flava arctic Eurasia E. a. brandti steppes of lower Volga river, N Transcaspia, E through plains of Kazakhstan to N Mongolia E Tien Shan mountains. E. a. atlas Morocco. E. a. balcanica Balkan countries and Grecce. E. a. penicillata Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, N-E Iraq and W-N Iran. E. a. bicornis Lebanon & N Israel. E. a. alpestris N Quebec and Labrador, S to James Bay and Newfoundland. E. a. albigula mountains of E Iran and S Transcaspia, E through Afganistan. 6 further races in central Asia and 25 in the America. actia, adust, ammophila, arcticola, elwesi, enertera, giraudi, hoyti, insularis, leucansiptila, leucolaema, longirostris, merrilli, occidentalis, praticola, rubea, strigata Some of American subpecies. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
14-17 cm, 35-44 g, wingspan 30-35 cm. Medium-sized lark with form like Skylark except for shorter bill, proportionately longer tail and thin "horns" above eyes.
Adult essentially pink-brown above and white below, with face and upper breast strikingly decorated black and yellow.
Breeds in west Palearctic in high latitudes or at high altitudes, in regions widely separated by forested, cultivated, wetland, and other unsuitable terrain. Mainly in subarctic or arctic lowland tundra, or in barren steppes and arctic-alpine zones of middle and lower-meddle latitudes.
Everywhere, however, avoids dense or tall vegetation and steep or broken terrain. In far northern west Palearctic favours dry stony patches in lichen tundra, nesting mostly on level ground amid thinnest herbage, or along dry rock-strewn shores of fjords, even by small fishing villages.
Food and Feeding.
In summer, insects and some seeds, in winter, seeds.
Takes food from ground, walking bvout or running in short spurts. Takes seeds from plant stems, pulling vigorously if neccessary. Takes flies on ground with quick side-to-side and forward bill movements. to reach food under snow, scratches with feet, tossing it aside with bill.
May 1st clutch, Jun 2st clutch in Scandinavia, Jul in arctic USSR. Nest on ground in the open, often in short vegetation, or sheltered by small tussock, occasionally on slight hummock. Nest-entrance usually protected from prevailing wind or direct sun.
Solitary, depression in ground, usually excavated but sometimes natural, lined with small twigs, rootlets, grass stems, and leaves, with finer lining of grass. Building by female only.
2-4 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, variable in color but most greenish-white, heavily spotted yellowish brown, often with brown hair-streaks, also may have larger spots or dark zones. Incubation 10-11 days by female only.
Northern races migratory, southern ones resident or make altitudinal movements.
flava wholly migratory, wintering coasts of southern North Sea and western Baltic. West-central Asian race brandti is partial migrant. Flocks regularly occur south of breeding range in winter in Turkmeniya, Mongolia, N China, but in some breeding areas a few birds are present all year in regions where most are migratory.
All populations of Balkans, Morocco, Asia Minor, Middle East, and south-central Asia basically resident, as to be expected from marked degree of subspeciation.
North American races, show same trends as in Palearctic. Northern, Canadian and Alaskan races are migratory, wintering into USA. Upland and desert races of western North America are variously resident.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Decrease in Filand and sweden, but in Greece no changes noted.
In Israel subspecies bicornis. Uncommon local breeding summer visitor and partial resident in Hermon mountain slopes.

E. a. balcanica

Eremophila alpestris

E. a.???