י 340) כוכית גדות

Coolared Sand Martin
Coolared Sand Martin
Coolared Sand Martin

Riparia riparia
Riparia riparia
Riparia riparia

:כוכית גדות
. סנונית קטנה, חומה ובעלת זנב מקודד מעט
. גבה חום-אפרפרת גחונה בהיר לחיה וגרונה בהירים
. פס חום חוצה את חזה. קשתית העין חום כהה
. מקורה קצר ורחב והרגלים חומות כהות
, בית גידולה משתרע מאירופה דרך אסיה לאמריקה הצפונית
. במושבות גדולות בקרבת מים, בנופים פתוחים
. נמנעת מאזורים הרריים ומקרבת ערים
, בארץ עוברת אורך מצויה ביותר ברוב חלקי הארץ
. מבקרת חורף נדירה בדרום הערבה ואילת
. נזכרת במסכת שבת ע"ז ב' , משערים שעגור במקרא מכוון לסנונית
...'ותור, וסוס ועגור ... ירמיה ח
Subspecies and Distribution.
R. r. riparia N-W Africa and Europe, E through Siberia to Kolyma river and Kamchatka, S to Kazakhstan, N Altai, and N parts of Baykal region. Also Turkey and Levant to N Iran, and N America.
R. r. innominata Kazakhstan. R. r. ijimae S-E Siberia to Sakhalin, Kuril Is. and Hokkaido.
R. r. shelleyi Nile valley in Egypt and N Sudan.
R. r. eilata breeds unknown, possibly Near East. Apparently winters in Africa. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
12 cm, 13-15 g, wingspan 26-29 cm. Dark brown above, white below, only obviows characters dark brown chest-band, but dark dusky brown underwing and undertail also noticeable. Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
Juvenil similar to adult but dark plumage areas less unigorm.
Mainly aerial, usually in low airspace.
Breeds from Mediterranean through steppe, temperate, and boreal to upper subarctic zones, in continental and also oceanic climate, with summer temperatures ranging down 10c, and varying regimes of wind and rainfall.
Rarely on ground, spending much of day in flight, resting on overhead wires and other suitable perches. Roosts gregariously, often in reedbeds.
Avoids densely wooded or built-up areas, mountains and broken terrain deserts, and narrow valleys, preferring neighbourhood of sandy, loamy, or other workable banks, cliffs, and earth mounds.
Food and Feeding.
Small airborne invertebrates. Feeds almost exclusively in flight, also recorded feeding on ground.
May-Jul in western Europe. Nest, hole in river bank, sand quarry, or sea-cliff, occasionally in drain pipe or other artificial hole. Nes-cup made of feathers, grass, leaves, etc, building by both birds.
2 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and fairly glossy, white. Incubation 14-14 days, by both parents.
Migratory. Most of breeding range vacated in winter. Main west Palearctic populations plus all those of Siberia winter in African Sahel zone and in East Africa south to Mozambique.
Central and East Asian populations winter in India and S-E Asia, race shelleyi is resident in part, though in winter ranges further south into Sudan and recorded also on Red Sea coast of Eritrea.
Nearctic populations winter in South America south to Argentina. USSR populations move through Nile Valley and across Arabia, and extend much further south in Africa in winter than do western populations.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Bred in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.
In Israel four subspecies R. r. riparia most common form on passage, irregular winter visitor.
Race R. r. diluta. an uncommon passage migrant, exclusively in spring.
Race R. r. eilata (Shirihai & Colston 1992) quite common passage migrant in Eilat
Race R. r. shelleyi rare to scarce on spring passage in Eilat.

R. r. riparia
(in Israel)

R. r. riparia

R. r. shelleyi
(in Israel)

R. r. riparia