י 358) נחליאלי צהוב

Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail

Motacilla falva
Motacilla falva
Motacilla falva

תת המינים של הנחליאלי הצהוב הנמצאים בארץ.

:נחליאלי צהוב
. דומה לנחליאלי זנבתן אך קטן ממנו. בטנו צהובה וחלקי גופו העליונים זיתניים-צהבהבים
אברות הזנב שחורות והחיצונית לבנות. אברות הכנף שחומות ושוליהן הבהירות
. יוצרות פיספוס בצידי הגוף. העין שחורה, המקור שחור, וישר, הרגלים שחורות
. קשה להבחין בין הנקבות והמתבגרים של תת המינים הרבים
. בית גידולו טרנס-פליארקטית וצפון אמריקה. דוגר ברחבי אירופה, אסיה ובצפון אפריקה
. מקום חיותו שדות לחים, לעיתים יבשים, ביצות, מלחות, מקוי מים מתוקים ובשדות מרעה
בארץ נצפו 12 תת מינים, עוברי אורח בהמוניהם, בכל חלקי הארץ, מבקרי חורף
. נדירים למדי ודוגרי קיץ נדירים בעיקר בעמקי הצפון
Subspecies and Distribution.
M. f. flavissima Britain also on continental coast of N-W Europe. M. f. lutea basin of lower Volga N to Kazakhstan to lake Zaysan.
M. f. taivana E Siberia from basins of Vilyuy and Vitim to Sakhalin.
M. f. flava Europe from W France E to foothills of Urals and Volga, N to S Sweden, Moscow and areas of European USSR, south to C France, Alps, N Yugoslavia, C Rumania and N Ukraine. M. f. beema lower Volga E to Sayan mountains, N in S-W Siberia to foothils of Altai.
M. f. leucocephala N-W Mongolia and neighbouring parts of N Sinking. M. f. cinereocapilla Italy, Sicily and Sardinia, Mediterranean France, and Algeria and Tunisia.
M. f. iberiae S-W France, Iberia, and N-W Africa. M. f. pygmaea Egypt.
M. f. feldegg S and E Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, S Ukraine, Crimea, W shores of Caspian Sea, Iran, Afganistan, south to Greece, Turkey, Levant and Iraq.
M. f. melanogrisea Volga delta and Caspian Sea. M. f. thunbergi Norway E to N Siberia. M. f. plexa Taymyr peninsula to Kolyma basin.
M. f. simillima shores of N-E Sea of Okhotsk, Kamchatka, and N Kuril Is. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
17-18 cm, 16-19 g, wingspan 23-27 cm. Smallest, most compact of west Palearctic wagtails, with form and silhouette more like pipit than any of the others.
Plumage of both adult and 1st-winter basically yellow below and on patterned edges of wing-feathers. Adult breeding male of the many races differ in head pattern: various combinations of yellow, white, bluish, grey, and black.
Sexes dissimilar in summer, less so in winter. Seasonal variation most marked on head of male only and chest.
Breeds in west Palearctic from lower middle to high latitudes, in arctic rundra and subarctic, boreal, temperate, steppe, and Mediterranean zones, mainly continental but marginally oceanic, largely on level or gently sloping lowlands.
Food and Feeding.
Small invertebrates. Three main foraging techniques, including use of high flight:
1) Picking, picks items from ground or water sufface while walking.
2) Run-picking, makes quick darting run at prey, picking it op either from surface or as it takes off.
3) Flycatching, makes short flight from ground or perch, catching prey in mid-air either in bill or by knocking it down with wings.
Occasionally takes insects from plants in hovering fllight, or flies low over water snatching insects fromsurface. Tail assists balance when turning rapidly in flight.
May-Jun in Scandinavia, Apr-May in Britain and Ireland, Apr-Jun in Southern and S-E Europe, Apr-May in North Africa.
Nest site on ground, in side of tuft of vegetation. Nest, cup of grass leaves and stems placed in shallow scrape, lined with hair, wool, or fur.
4-6 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, grey-white with dark hair-streak. Incubation 11- 13 days by both sexes.
Most populations migratory, wintering in Afrotropics, India, and S-E Asia. Winters also between Black and Caspian Seas and at a few sites in Turkey.
Egyptian race pygmaeus, largely resident, and some parts of breeding range in north -west Africa and S Spain occupied through the winter, with possibility that some individuals are resident.
Movement broad-front in both spring and autumn, with numerous sightings of migrants at sea in all areas.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Marked contraction in some habitat zones.
In Israel 12 subspecies M. f. feldegg an abundant passage migrant, and the only form which breeds in the country.
M. f. flava an abundant passage migrant, very rare winterer. M. f. beema a very common passage migrant.
M. f. thunbergi a common passage migrant. M. f. lutea a rare migrant, particularly Eilat. M. f. cinereocapilla a very rare spring passage migrant. M. f. pygmaea straggler. M. f. leucocephala straggler in spring. M. f. melanogrisea scarce migrants in spring. M. f. flavissima straggler. M. f. iberiae straggler in spring. M. f. simillima straggler in spring.

M. f. flava
(in Israel)

M. f. melanogrisea
(in Israel)

M. f. flavissima
(in Israel)

M. f. iberiae
(in Israel)