י 364) חנקן ערבות,
Rufous-tailed Shrike
Rufous-tailed Shrike
Rufous-tailed Shrike

Lanius isabellinus
Lanius isabellinus
Lanius isabellinus

:חנקן ערבות
. קטן, דחוס וזנבו ארוך. גבו חום-אפור חיור, גחונו לבן מלוכלך
. פס עינו כהה וגבת העין בהירה. זנבו ועל השת ערמוניים
. בכנפו פס לבן הבולט במעופו
בית חיותו משתרע מטורקסטן ועד למרכז אסיה, חורף מאירן ועירק
. דרומה להודו ולערב הסעודית ועד למערב אפריקה
. בית חיותו מישורים פתוחים, גבעות והרים עד לרום של 3500 מ'
. בערבות יבשות ובעמקי נחלים בינות לעצי שיטה
, בארץ די נדיר בסתיו אבל מגיע באופן קבוע לערבה ואילת
. נדיר ביותר באביב בכל רחבי הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
L. i. isabellinus Tarim basin E to Lop Nor (China), on migration W to Iraq.
L. i. arenarius W & N China. Non-breeding Arabia and NE Africa
L. i. tsaidamensis Tsaidam basin and Lake Koko Nor (China). םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
Rather small, compact but still long-tailed shrike, with behaviour of Red-becked Shrike but plainest plumage of all west Palearctic Lanius: only obvious features are rufous lower rump and tail and, in adult male, dark face-patch and white patch on primaris.Sexes dissimilar, no seasonal variation.
Breeds in east Palearctic, in continental lower middle latitudes, in mountains up to 3500 m, but also on hills and barren plains. Nest in tamarisk thickets in river valleys, patches of scrub in dry steppe, and on edge of pistachio grove. Winters on edges of cultivation in semi-desert and among sparse and tamarisk.
Food and Feeding.
Adult and larval insects, mainly beetles. Also other invertebrates and small vertebrates. sits on prominent look-out perch and glides down onto ground prey or pursues flying insects and small passerines.
Takes beetles at animal droppings or carrion.
Layingend of Apr to end of May.Male has aerial display, flying to and fro in front of female while calling loudly, also bowing perched display with fanned tail raised, this often followed by fluttering flight by both partners.
Nest a deep open cup made from twigs, bark, rootlets, leaves and grass, lined with grass stems. The nest built 1-2 m
above ground in bush. Clutch 3-7 eggs, pale bluish-green, with light brown spots.
Incubation by female, fed on nest by male, period 13-17 days.
All populations migratory, wintering from N-W India and Afghanistan through S Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa west to Nigeria and S to Kenya.
Races phoenicuroides and speculigerus, winter widely and commonly in north-east Africa, except Egypt, west to Lake Chad.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
In Israel three subspecies L. i. arenarius the more frequent form on passage and accidental in winter.
Race L. i. phoenicuroides infrequent on passage and accidental in winter. And race L. i. isabellinus accidental on passage.

L. i. phoenicuroides
in Israel