י 371) חנקן נובי

Masked Shrike
Masked Shrike

Lanius nubicus
Lanius nubicus
Lanius nubicus

:חנקן נובי
. חנקן קטן, בעל זנב צר וארוך יחסית בולט בצבעי השחור ולבן במעופו
. קודקודו ועורפו שחורים, מצחו לבן, צידי גופו ערמוניים. הנקבה חומה ודהויה
. בית גידולו משתרע במזרח ים התיכון, מהמפרץ הפרסי ועד יון
. בית חיותו בכל סוגי החורשים, מטעים שדות בתה עם עצים פזורים ועוטי עלוה
. בארץ עובר אורח מצוי ברוב חלקי הארץ ודוגר קיץ שכיח למדי במרכז וצפון הארץ
. ...אמר רב יהודה צרדא שרי ברדא אסירי .... חולין סב, ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
L. s. senator Europe S to Pyrenees, mainland Italy, Sicily, Cyrenaica, Greece, and W Turkey.
L. s. rutilans Iberia and N-W Africa.
Lanius nubicus E Greece and levant, E to Iran. Winters S Arabia and E Africa. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
17-18 cm, 50-70 g, wingspan 24-27 cm. Small rather slim shrike, with proportionately longest and slimmest tail of west Palearctic Lannuse and much less bold behaviour than other species.
Male essentially black and white, with white forehead ane supercilium and pale rufous body-sides. Female and immature less distinctive but show characteristic head and scapular markings and unusual rust-buff scales on back and wing-coverts.
Sexes dissimilar, little seasonal variation.
breeds in west Palearctic in lower middle latitudes, mostly in Mediterranean warm zone and in hilly terrain, often less open and with higher tree cover than habitats favoured by most Lanius.
Found in almost any kind of wooded country, in more open glades of forest and where there are isolated big trees in the open, as well as in high scrub, olive groves, and gardens. Nests in planes and cypresses.
Food and Feeding.
Insects, mainly grasshoppers, and beetles, lizards, and small passerine birds, notably and perhaps exclusively exhausted migrants.
Hunts from exposed perch on top of small tree or bush, or from cover on side of taller tree or in thick scrub. Drops or swoops on ground prey, often hovering briefly, either returning to perch, flying to another, or consuming prey on ground, or takes flying insects in rapid twisting aerial pursuit like flycatcher. also picks invertebrates from foliage.
Early Apr tomid Jun in Cyprus, mid Apr to end of May in Greece, end of Apr to mid May in Turkey, early Apr-May in Israel. Nes site: nest slung below twigs at end of lateral branch, moulded on top of broad branch, in fork, or against trunk of tree, or in dense, often thorny bush.
Nest carefully constructed, compact, often inconspicuous structure of rootlets, bark strips, pine needles, plant down, plant stems, lichen, moss, cloth, string, cardboard, lined with sheep's wool, hair, rootlets,fine stems, etc.
4-7 eggs, sub-elliptical to short sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy or waxy. Creamy to pale buff or yellowish, rarely white or greenish grey, with ring of pale to dark brown blotches towards broad end and large background blotches of pale to dark grey.
Incubation 14-15 days, by female only.
All populations migratory, wintering in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly south in Sudan and Ethiopia, west to eastern Mali. Passage mainly through east Mediterranean at both seasons.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
In Israel subspecies Lanius nubicus common passage migrant through most parts, and quite common breeding summer visitor in C and N of the country.

Lanius nubicus
in Israel