י 374) גדרון מובהק

Winter Wren
Winter Wren
Winter Wren

Troglodytes troglodytes
Troglodytes troglodytes
Troglodytes troglodytes

:גדרון מובהק
. הציפור החומה הקטנה ביותר בארצנו
. ניכרת בזנבה הקצר והבולט כלפי מעלה ובלבושה המפוספס
. קשה לראותה, אבל קולה המסתלסל מסגירה באפלולית החורש
. חלקי גופה העליונים צבועים בחום ערמוני ומפוספסים בפסים שחומים
. הראש כהה יותר, העין חומה, המקור צר, עדיו ושחום. הגחון והחזה בהירים
. הרגלים ארוכות בעלות אצבעות ארוכות ועדינות בקצותן טפרים ארוכים וחזקים
, הטופר האחורי כפוף במיוחד. בית גידולו משתרע מאמריקה הצפונית, רוב אירופה
. צפון אפריקה, המזרח התיכון ועד לדרום אסיה
, אזורי מחיתו מגוונים ביותר: הרים מסולעים, מצוקים על חופי ים, שדות בור
. שדות שיחים, יערות ואף בשולי מגורי אדם
. בארץ, יציב שכיח בהרים בצפון הארץ, בחורף נדיר גם במרכזה
Subspecies and Distribution.
T. t. troglodytes from Fenno-Scandia and Urals to Pyrenees, N-W Spain, Portugal, Italy and greece.
T. t. indigenus Britain and Irland. T. t. fridariensis Fair Island. T. t. hirtensis St Kilda.
T. t. hebridensis Outer Hebrides. T. t. zetlandicus Shetland. T. t. borealis Faeroes.
T. t. islandicus Iceland. T. t. koenig Corsica and Sardinia.
T. t. kabylorum N-W Africa, Balearic Is. and S Spain.
T. t. juniperi N-W Cyrenaica. T. t. cypriotes Crete, Rhodos, Cyprus, and Levant.
T. t. hyrcanus eastern Asia Minor, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, and N and E Iran.
Further 25-30 races in central and eastern Asia and North America. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
9-10 cm, 8-10 g, wingspan 13-17 cm. One of the smallest' and the shortest bird in west Palearctic, due to habit of holding tail erect.
Tiny, restless, and pugnacious passerine, usually seen at or near ground level and at any distance appearing warm brown overall. Most obvious characters are rather long, thin bill, pale buff supercilium, barred wings and flanks, and often cocked tail. Flight confident, with rapid whirring action.
Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
Breeds in west Palearctic throughout middle latitudes and in parts into higher latitudes, from Mediterranean through temperate to boreal zones, with oceanic rather than continental tendency, thus avoiding extremes of cold and heat.
In suitable situations will nest above treeline, but mainly in lowlands from sea-level. Also a successful colonist of both inshore and offshore oceanic islands.
Within predominantly moist mild climatic range, suitable habitat offered by wide variety of low cover and foraging opportunities, including herb and field layers of plant growth, crops and aquatic vegetation, fallen trees and branches or heaps of brash, hedgerows, gardens, parks, and shrubberies.
Food and Feeding.
Diet based on insects, especially beetles also spiders.
Mostly taken from surface of leaves, twigs, and bark or from crevices in bark, rocks, walls, and leaf litter. Usually feeds within 2 m of ground, lower in winter than from summer.
Occasionally enters water to secure prey, immersing head or rarely whole body. Small fish taken from water surface.
Apr-Jun in Britain and N-W Europe, May in European USSR, Apr-May in Cyprus. Nest site very variable, but essentially a hollow, crevice, or hole at ground level or at up to 10 m high. in side of wall, tree, or steep bank, often inside building.
Nest domed structure of leaves, grass, moss, and other vegetation, lined with feathers and hair. 4-5 eggs, sun-elliptical, smooth and glossy, white, sometimes with speckling of black or brown at broad end.
Incubation 12-20 days, by female only.
Migratory, partially migratory and resident.
Continental populations exhibit long and short distance movements, either on basically north-south axis or altitudinal, with many in southern parts of range sedentary.
Relatively little known about movements of Asian populations. Possible influx recorded along Caspian coast of northern Iran.
In North America, most continental populations migratory, moving south as far as Gulf of Mexico in winter.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Little information on range changes, but in Iraq breeds widely.
In Israel subspecies T. t. cypriotes fairly common resident in mountains of northern Israel, from Galilee throughout Golan to Shomron.

T. t. cypriotes
In Israel

T. t. borealis

T. t. troglodytes

T. t. troglodytes

T. t. indigenus