י 375) סתרי מצוי

Hedge Accentor
Hedge Accentor
Hedge Accentor

Prunella modularis
Prunella modularis
Prunella modularis

:סתרי מצוי
. דומה לדרור הבית אלא שראשו ועורפו אפורים שאר גופו חום
. מקורו עדין, כיפת ראשו מקומרת למדי. עורפו, צוארו וזנבו צרים
. באופן קבוע נראה מרעיד את כנפיו בעצבנות ומתפלש בחול
. בית גידולו משתרע על רוב יבשת אירופה מלבד הצפון הרחוק ולאורך חופי ים התיכון
, הסתרי חי בשדות שיחים , חורשות ויערות מחטניים ורחבי עלים כאחד
. מגובה פני הים ועד למרומי ההרים
. בארץ מבקר חורף ועובר אורח שכיח במרכז וצפון הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
Subspecies and Distribution.
P. m. hebridium Ireland and Outer and Inner Hebrides. P. m. occidentalis E Scotland, England, and Wales.
P. m. modularis C&N Europe, from C France, Netherlands, Norway E to Ural, S to Alps, Yugoslavia, and Rumania.
P. m. mabboti Iberia, Pyrenees, S-C France, Italy S to Greece. P. m. meinerizhageni S Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
P. m. fuscata mountains of Crimea. P. m. euxina N-W Asia Minor. P. m. obscura E Turkey and Iran N to Caucasus. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
9-10 cm, 8-10 g, wingspan 13-17 cm. One of the smallest' and the shortest bird in west Palearctic, due to habit of holding tail erect.
Tiny, restless, and pugnacious passerine, usually seen at or near ground level and at any distance appearing warm brown overall. Most obvious characters are rather long, thin bill, pale buff supercilium, barred wings and flanks, and often cocked tail. Flight confident, with rapid whirring action.
Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
In upper and middle latitudes, mainly in teperate but marginally in subarctic, horeal, and Mediterranean zones.
Evolved in scrub and stunted coniferous arctic-alpine and wooded tundra habitats which are still occupied in Switzerland, southern USSR, and elsewhere.
Food and Feeding.
Largely insects, plus significant proportion of seeds in winter. Predominantly a ground feeder, spending much of time in cover.
Feeds under bushes, hedges, young conifers, and piles of twigs, and amongst roots and leaf litter.
In summer feeds more often in vegetation, up to 8 m above ground. In winter moves nearer human habitation and regularly seen in farms, gardens, and window-ledges.
Apr-May in Britain and N-W Europe, mid May in Leningrad region, Apr-Jun in Sweden. Nest site in bush, hedge, or low tree, sometimes in side of bank, normally well concealed. Occasionally uses old nest of another bird.4-6 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, bright blue, rarely with a few reddish spots.
Incubation 12-13 days, by femsle only.
Resident, partial migrant, and, in N and C Europe, total migrant. Populations of Ireland and W Scotland mainly sedentary.
Populations of E Scotland, S Britain, and W France for the most part make only short dispersive movements.
Main continental populations, especially those breeding in northern areas, move to winter in south-west Iberia, Mediterranean area, southern USSR, and Turkey.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Increased in Europe, estimated over 10.000.000 pairs.
In Israel subspecies P. m. modularis fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor in central and north parts of the country.

P. m. modularis
in Israel

P. m. modularis