י 376) סתרי ממושקף

Radde's Accentor
Radde's Accentor
Radde's Accentor

Prunella ocularis
Prunella ocularis
Prunella ocularis

:סתרי ממושקף
דומה לסתרי שחור-גרון, שונה ממנו בגרונו הבהיר, ראשו השחום
. "כתמיו הכהים יותר. גבת עינו הבולטת בלובנה מקנה לו את שמו "ממושקף
בית גידולו משתרע על ההרים באזור האירנו-טורני. ממזרח טורקיה
. וארמניה עד הרי הזגרוס בדרם אירן
. מקום חיותו שיחי ערער על צלעות הרים גבוהים עד לרום של 3.000 מ
. בארץ מבקר חורף נדיר בצפון הארץ ומרכזה
Subspecies and Distribution.
Prunella ocularis breeds N Middle East, S-W Asia including Caucasus. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
15 c, 25-30 g, wingspan 22-23 cm. Noticeably larger than Hedge Accentor, rather bulky accentor, with basic plumage pattern most like Siberian Accentor but colors differing in bold white supercilium, black streaks on upperparts, and greyer rump and wings. Usually shows broken malar stripe.
Sexes closely similar, little seasonal vareation.
In lower middle and lower continental latitudes, in warm arid zone, on rocky or stony mountain slopes carrying scrub vegetation, chiefly junipers.
Generally stays in bushes or shade of rocks. Winters at lower altitudes in shrubby growth bordering mountain streams.
Food and Feeding.
Small seeds also small winged insects. Foraging done largely on ground among snow, rocks, scrub, and low vegetation, and alongside streams.
Jun-Aug in S USSR. Nest site, in low bush, in one case nearly 1 m above ground. Nest, cup of twigs, leaves, and stems, with lining of finer material, including hair, wool, grass, and moss.
3-4 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy. No further information.
Apparently resident in Turkey and Caucasus. Populations in Iran winter south of breeding ranges, at lower altitude. Thus, present only in winter in several lowland areas of Iran.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. No evidence of range or population changes.
In Israel subspecies Prunella ocularis very rare winter visitor in central and northern Israel.

Prunella ocularis
In Israel