י 397) סלעית שיחים

Pied Wheatear
Pied Wheatear
Pied Wheatear

Oenanthe pleschanka
Oenanthe pleschanka
Oenanthe pleschanka

:סלעית שיחים
, צבעה שחור ולבן, הזכר דומה לזכר סלעית לבנת-כנף אלא שלגחונו גוון חולי
. כנפו שחורה כולה ותת שתו לבן. לא ניתן להבדיל בין הנקבות
, בית גידולה משתרע מצפון הים השחור ועד למרכז אסיה, בקפריסין
. חצי האי ערב וצפון אפריקה
מקומות חיותה נופים פתוחים, טרשיים, צוקים נמוכים צלעות הרים בעלי
. שיחים נמוכים ולעיתים בגנים
. בארץ עוברת אורח נדירה בעיקר באביב
Subspecies and Distribution.
O. p. pleschanka Central Eurasia.
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Descriptive notes.
14.5 cm, 18 g, wingspan 25-27 cm. Pied Wheaear of distinctly lighter build than Northern Wheeatear with slightly shorter bill and wings and 15% shorter legs, but with tail longer and proportionately appearing more so.
In spring, crown and wide nape white, with faint silver or buff tone most obvious from behind and becoming grey with wear. Face, chin, throat, upper breast, sides of neck, shoulder area, back, and wings black.
Lower breast, underbody, rump, and upper tail-coverts white, variably tinged buff. Axillaries and under wing-coverts black, contrasting with dusky undersurface to flight-feathers.
Tail with black central feathers and black tips to outer ones, tips noticeably longer and extending further up tail towards outermost. Sexes markedly dissimilar in breeding plumage.
Approximately replaces Black-eared Wheatear in continental mid latitudes of eastern sector of west Palearctic, through warmer temperate and steppe zones, largely in lowland but ranging up to 1800 m.
Typically occupies desolate stony stretches with scattered boulders and more seldom fallow fields at margin of small cultivated areas.
Food and Feeding.
Almost entirely insects. Taken mostly from bare ground but occasionally from low vegetation.
Typically watches for prey from perch up to 1.5 m high and flies down to make capture, returning to same perch immediately, rarely spending time on ground.
Early May in Ukraine, May-Jun in extralimital USSR. Nest site in hole in rock or bank, under stone, or sometimes in building. Nest, cup of dry grass and stems, lined with finer grasses, roots, and wool or hair.
4-6 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, pale blue to green-blue, lightly speckled and spotted red-brown, sometimes gathered at broad end.
Incubation 13-14 days, by female only.
Migratory. Winters in eastern Africa and north-eastwards to S-W Arabia. Widespread and often common in Kenya, E Uganda, and N-E Tanzania. Common in Sudan, chiefly in north and north-east, occasionally extreme S-E. Winters commonly throughout much of Ethiopia.
Migrates from breeding grounds on broad front, eastern populations requiring S-W component. In Turkey, occurs on south coast having overflown central plateau where it is a scarce migrant, but mostly passes through eastern Turkey. Common and widespread on passage in south-west Iran. Regularly migrates through Iraq, Afghanistan and N Baluchistan occasional spring records in Kashmir and Punjab.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Nothing reported on population trends.
In Israel subspecies Oenanthe pleschanka very rare passage migrant, mainly in spring.

in Israel