י 399) סלעית קיץ

Black-eared Wheatear
Black-eared Wheatear
Black-eared Wheatear

Oenanthe hispanica
Oenanthe hispanica
Oenanthe hispanica

:סלעית קיץ
הסלעית הנפוצה בארץ, יש לה מספר מופעים. לבוש הקיץ של הזכר בולט
. בצבעו החולי, לפעמים כמעט לבן מלבד הכנפיים, הלחיים, הגרון המרכז וקצה הזנב
. בית גידולה משתרע באזור ים התיכון, וחדירה לאזור האירנו-טורני
, אזור מחיתה נופים גלויים ויבשים המלווים בשיחים פזורים
. מורדות הרים ועד לרום של 1.500
. בארץ דוגרת ונפוצה בקיץ בצפון, ועוברת אורח שכיחה בכל חלקי הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
O. h. hispanica N-W Africa, Iberia, S France, N & C Italy, and N-W Yugoslavea.
O. h. melanoleuca (synonym: O. h. xanthomelaena ), S Italy and Yugoslavia east to Caspian region and Iran. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
14-16 cm, 15-22 g, wingspan 25-27 cm. Rather slim elegant wheatear, with long, conspicuous tail giving slimmer, lengthier outline than most others of similar plumage. Rump and tail pattern basically as Northern Wheatear but black terminal band less uniformly broad, though more black long outer edge than in any other wheatear.
Spring male has wholly or partly black scapulars and wings more obviously divided by pale back and white rump and tail than any other wheatear.
Female has stronger pattern than many female wheatears, having black wings contrasting boldly with sandy back and chest. Black under wing-coverts striking, particularly in western race which has paler undersurface to flight-feathers than eastern one.
Sexes markedly dissimilar in spring, less so in autumn.
Breeds at lower middle latitudes in warm mainly continental Mediterranean and steppe regions. Inhabiting steppes with rocky outcrops or stony hillocks and slopes, and cliff-like river banks. More generally in open or lightly wooded arid county, also on warm rocky lowlands and stony ground, limestone hills, slopes with debris, dry river valleys, dry and stony fields, Mediterranean heaths with oaks, vineyards with stone banks, and dry cultivations.
Food and Feeding.
Almost entirely insects. Taken mainly from bare ground or short vegetation. Usually watches for prey from perch.
Light weight allows it to perch on flimsy vegetation unusable by other heavier Oenanthe. Birds also make short flights from perches and catch prey in flight like flycatcher..
Apr-Jun in Algeria and Tunisia, Apr-May in Spain, early May in Greece and leat Apr in Armenia. nest site on ground in shallow hole, under stone, in thick vegetation, or at base of dense bush. Nest, cup of grass and moss, lined with finer material including hair.
4-5 eggs, sub-elliptical smooth and glossy, pale blue, with fine markings of red-brown, sometimes forming cap at broad end. Incubation 13-14 days,by female only.
Migratory. Winters in semi-desert and acacia savanna belt across northern tropical Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia.
Population breeding S-W Europe and North Africa, winters south, mainly in northern Senegal, S-W Mauritania, and Mali. Passage is on broad front, crosses S-W coast of Spain, Moroccan coast and N-W Mauritania.
Eastern race, breeding east from S-E Italy, tends to replace nominate race on wintering grounds, although there is overlap in Mali.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. In habitat zones, fairly common.
In Israel subspecies 0. h. melanoleuca very common passage migrant through all parts and also common breeding summer visitor in central and northern Israel.

0. h. melanoleuca
in Israel

0. h. melanoleuca

O. h. hispanica

O. h. hispanica