י 416) קיכלי אפור


Turdus pilaris
Turdus pilaris
Turdus pilaris

:קיכלי אפור
ראשו ושתו האפורים-כחולים, בניגוד לגבו החום-ערמוני, מבליטים אותו
. משאר הקיכליים באזורנו. החזה מנומר והזנב שחור. הנקבה דהה במקצת
. בית גידולו משתרע במרחבי הטיגה, בצפון הרחוק וחודר למרכז אירופה
. בית חיותו, יערות מחטניים, רחבי עלים, בצפון גם בגנים ופארקים
. בחורף נחתן למוצאו בנופים פתוחים
. בארץ עובר אורח נדיר עד מצוי, לעיתים חסר, בצורה דומה גם מבקר חורף
... ארבעה מיני שליו הן ואלו הן שיקלי וקיכלי ופסיוני ושליו ... יומא עה ע"ה
Subspecies and Distribution.
Turdus pilaris N and C Palarctic. Winters in C and S Europe, N Africa and Middel East. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
25-26 cm, 100 g, wingspan 39-42 cm. Large, bold, long-taild, often noisy thrush, with rather rakish form both on ground and in the air. Plumage more boldly variegated and richly colored than any other west Palearctic thrush, with blue-grey head, vinous-chestnut back, grey rump, and almost black tail obvious on ground, and heavily speckled breast and flanks, white vent, and black undertail obvious from below.
Combination of grey rump, black tail, and white underwing diagnostic. Flight characteristically leisurely. Commonest call diagnostic. Sexes closely similar, little seasonal variation.
Breeds in middle and higher latitudes of west Palearctic, in subarctic, boreal, and temperate zones, in woods of birch, pine, spruce, alder, and mixed species, usually in open growth or on fringes of moist areas with grass cover. Often along rivers or in groups of trees in fens or bogs, in sheltered but cool and humid situations.
Food and Feeding.
Wide range of invertebrates, also fruits from late summer to early winter. Feeds on ground and in trees and bushes.
When collecting food for young, adult usually eats small items itself, will collect items in a pile before carrying them off.
Late Apr to late Jun in Scandinavia, May-Jun in Lapland. Nest site, in tree, placed in crotch of branch against trunk, or on side branch, exceptionally on ground or in depression anmong rock. Nest, bulky though compact structure with outer parts of grass reinforced with twigs, roots, etc, lined with thick layer of mud, and inner lining of fine grasses and a few roots.
5-6 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, pale blue, very variably marked with red-brown speckles, often very heavily. Incubation 10-13 days, by female only.
Mirtatory, though in some years of winter abundance of food some resident or move only short distances. Winters mainly in western, central, and southern Europe, turkey, and Iran, also south to Canary Is. and Persian Gulf states. Usually reaches southernmost parts of Europe only in bad winters and rarely occurs on N African coast in good numbers.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Has increased and expanding again in some regions.
In Israel subspecies Turdus pilaris rare to common winter visitor and the some extent passage migrant in all parts of the county.

Turdus pilaris
in Israel

Turdus pilaris

Turdus pilaris

Turdus pilaris