י 417) קיכלי רונן

Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Song Thrush

Turdus philomelos
Turdus philomelos
Turdus philomelos

:קיכלי רונן
. השכיח בין הקיכליים באירופה, שירתו היפה בראשית החורף הקנתה לו את שמו
. חלקי גופו העליונים צבועים בחום-זית, פס בהיר מחבר את המקור והעין
. החזה בצבע חום בהיר מנוקד בנקודות חומות גדולות, אברות הכנף שחומות
. בית גידולו משתרע על פני אירופה למעט חלקים באגן ים התיכון
. בית חיותו יערות, סבכי שיחים, מטעים ואף פארקים עירוניים
. בארץ עובר אורח ומבקר חורף שכיח למדי ברוב חלקי הארץ
... ארבעה מיני סליו הן ואלו הן שיקלי וקיכלי ופסיוני ושליו ... יומא עה ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
T. p. philomeos most of continental range of the species.
T. p. clarkei Britain, Ireland, W-C Nethrlands and Belgiom, and N-W France.
T. p. hebridensis outer Hebrides and Skye (Scotland).
T. p. nataliae C Siberia, S-W Iran. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
23 cm, 70 g, wingspan 33-36 cm. Medium-sized thrush, with well-balanced form, upright carriage, brown-toned upperparts, and boldly spotted underprts. Within west Palearctic thrush, has diagnostic combination of faint face pattern and golden-buff underwing.
Sexes similar, slight seasonal variation.
In upper and middle latitudes of west and central Palearctic, both continental and oceanic, largely temperate but also boreal and marginally subarctic. Tolerates cool, humid, and windy but not arid, very warm, nor persistently frosty and snowy climate.
Birds can exist almost anywhere where trees or bushes accompany open grassland, patches of dead leaves under trees, or moist ground supporting ample invertebrate food organisms, and accordingly of neutral or higher pH value.
Food and Feeding.
Wide range of invertebrates, also fruit from late summer to winter. For foraging behaviour on grass meadow like Blackbird. Searches for food in ground litter, described as follows in captive birds, makes rapid sideways sweeping movements with bill, usually 3-8 movements in succession, occasionally almost continuous for up to 1,5 min, sometimes scratches with foot simultaneously, though such movement only slight.
Deals with snails by beating them against any hard surface, often a stone, and bird then flicks out snail's body, picks it up, and wipes it on ground before eating it.
Mar-Jun in Britain and western Europe, mid to late Apr in C and E Europe, Apr-May in Finland. Nest site, in trees and shrubs, often against trunk supported by twigs or branch, or among dense twigs, also in creepers on wall, on ledge, in bank, and on ground among thick vegetation. Nest, neat structure of twigs, grass, and some moss, loose towards outside, compacted towards inside, thickly lined with hard plaster material made from mud, dung, and rotten wood, often mixed with leaves.
3-5 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and slightly glossy, bright pale blue, lightly spotted and speckled purple-brown or black. Incubation, 10-17 days, by female only.
Mostly resident but northern populations partially or entirely migratory, more birds move if weather severe.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Commonest birds throughout its wide range.
In Israel two subspecies T. p. philomeos is the mail form of the country. T. p. nataliae rare or scarce winter visitor.

T. p. philomeos
in Israel

T. p. nataliae
in Israel

T. p. clarkei

T. p. clarkei