י 419) קיכלי גדול

Mistle thrush
Mistle thrush
Mistle thrush

Turdus viscivorus
Turdus viscivorus
Turdus viscivorus
:קיכלי גדול
. הגדול בקיכליי ארצנו, דומה לקיכלי רונן אך גדול ממנו
. חלקי גופו העליונים חומים-זיתנים, החזה מומר בנקודות חומות, כהות וגדולות
. במעופו בולטת תחתית הכנף בלובנה
. בית גידולו משתרע על רוב חלקי אירופה, סיביר ומרכז אסיה
, בית חיותו יערות מחטניים ורחבי עלים כאחד, שדות עם עצים פזורים
. גנים, מטעים ואף בפארקים עירוניים
. בארץ עובר אורח ומבקר חורף נדיר עד שכיח במרכז וצפון הארץ
... ארבעה מיני שליו הן ואלו הן שיקלי וקיכלי ופסיוני ושליו ... יומא עה ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
T. v. viscivorus W Palearctic E to western Siberia, except Corsica, Sardinia, and N-E Africa.
T. v. deichleri N-W Africa, corsica, and Sardinia.
T. v. bonapartei C Siberis and mountains of C Asia W to Kopet-Dag and S to W Himalayas. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
27 cm, 110 g, wingspan 42-47 cm. Large thrush, with bold, upright carriage emphasized by length of tail, powerful bill, and sturdy legs. Combination of olive-grey-brown upperparts, large discrete black spots on underparts, and white underwing diagnostic. Noticeable pale area on lore and around eye, corners of tail almost white, obvious from behind.
Flight not undulating despite frequent complete closure of wings. Sexes similar, little seasonal variation.
Breeds in west Palearctic, historically in more continental upper band middle latitudes than other thrush, but has during last 200 years extended into oceanic zone, especially in Britain and Ireland.
Despite bold abn robust appearance and conduct in wind and rain, is vulnerable to cold, especially snow and ice, and avoids arid and very warm areas. In mountain regions prefers middle altitudes. In boreal, temperate, and Mediterranean zones, widely but thinly distributed where is conjunction of stands of tall tree with open grassland or short herbage, not too close to human settlements and with ready access to seasonal berry fruits.
Food and Feeding.
Wide variety of invertebrates, in autumn and winter also berries. Feeds on ground and in trees and bushes. To take flying insects will fly up high in the air like Starling.
Apr-Jun in W and C Europe, Feb in britain, late Mar in N Africa, Apr-May in Finland. Nest site, on stout branch against trunk of tree, or on fork of horizontal branch, also on ledge of building, cliff-face, or bank.
Nest large cup comprising 3 layers - outermost of sticks, grass, moss, and roots, loosely woven then compacted by middle layer of mud, often containing grass and leaves and some rotten wood which sometimes penetrates to outside of nest; thicker inner lining of fine grasses, sometimes with pine needles.
3-5 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, pale blue, green-blue, or buff-tinted, spotted and blotched red-brown to purple, markings sometimes gathered at broad end. Incubation 12-15 days, by female, rarely assisted by male.
Varies from migratory in north and east of range to sedentary of dispersive in west and south, though even in least migratory populations some birds make substantial movements.
Some central and south European birds winter within breeding range of the relatively sedentary deichleri on N-W Africa, Corsica, and Sardinia. British birds tend to be sedentary or make movements of les than 50 km, though proportion travel considerably further.
East Palearctic race bonapartei resident in Himalayas,though moving to lower altitudes in winter. Partially migratory in USSR.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Marked increase in Europe, especially in Britain, Ireland, and Netherlands.
In Israel subspecies T.v. viscivorus rare to quite common passage migrant but especially winter visitor, in N and C Israel.

T.v. viscivorus
in Israel

T.v. viscivorus

T.v. viscivorus