י 441) קנית קטנה | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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:קנית קטנה . דומה לקנית חורף וקנית פינית . נבדלת מהם בצבע חום-חלוד בגבה וגחונה בצבע ערמוני בהיר מעל לעין נמצא פס גבה דק ובהיר. הלסת העליונה של מקורה העדין והדק . חומה והתחתונה ורודה. רגליה ארוכות יחסית בצבע ירוק אפרפר . בית הגידול של תת מין אחד משתרע במערב, מרכז ודרום אירופה . השני בישראל ,דרך טורקיה ואירן ועד מרכז אסיה , בית חיותה צמחי ביצה וחישות קני סוף הגדלים לצידי מקוי מים . שם היא מדלגת בצורה אופינית בין הקנים וממעטת לעוף בארץ עוברת אורך נפוצה ביותר, מבקרת חורף נדירה בצפון הארץ . ומבקרת ודוגרת קיץ שכיחה במישורי הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
| A. s. scirpaceus N-W Africa and Europe, E to C European USSR, Crimea, lower Kuban' river, and W Asia Minor. A. s. fuscus E from N Caspian area, Caucasus, E Asia Minor, Cyprus, and Levant. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
12-13 cm, 7-11 g, wingspan 17-21 cm. Epitome of group of small unstreaked Acrocephalus. Medium-sized, compact, robust, and skulking but inquisitive warbler. Plumage varies from brown olive to grey in adult and to rufous-brown in juvenil. Shows few features at any age except for rufous rump, with supercilium and eye-ring less distinct than any other Acrocephalus. Sexes similar, no seasonal variation. Habitat. Breeds in middle latitudes of west Palearctic, mainly in lowlands with continental climate. Spreads into oceanic climatic zone in western France, England and Wales. Stands of reeds used for nesting may be quite small, often by margins of sluggish rivers, ponds, or shallow lakes, or in narrow lines along ditches. Broader reedbeds in fresh or brackish waters tend to be less favoured, especially if dense and exposed to waves. Food and Feeding. Chiefly insects and spiders, some small snails, occasionally some plant material. An opportunist, able to tame advantage of local, variable, and short-lived sources of abundant food supply. Feeds mostly at middle height in reeds and rushes and in centers of bushes, and occasionally on ground. Breeding. Late May mid Aug in western and central Europe. Nest site in vegetation over water, especially reed, also in other tall vegetation and low shrubs over dry ground. Nest, deep, cylindrical cup of grass and reed stems and leaves, plus plant down and spiders' webs, woven round plant stems, lined with finer material including hair. 3-5 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, very pale green to greenish-white, more or less heavily spotted, blotched, and speckled olive, green, and grey, often forming cap at broad end. Incubation 9-13 days, by both sexes in roughly equal proportions during day. Movements. All populations migratory, wintering in Africa south of Sahara and south at least to Zambia. West and north European populations start to leave breeding grounds mid or late Jul. South-central European and eastern populations, leave early Sep. Status and Conservation.Acrocephalus of all west Palearctic. Israel. In Israel two subspecies A. s. fuscus the more common form on passage, also common breeding summer visitor in many parts and rare winter visitor. The subspeciesA. s. scirpaceus a fairly common migrant in most parts.
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