י מלכילון לבן-גבות ( a479


Regulus ignicapillus
Regulus ignicapillus
Regulus ignicapillus

:מלכילון לבן-גבות
, ציפור שיר קטנה מאוד דומה למלכילון אורנים
. שונה ממנו בפס גבה לבן ופס עין שחור בולטים
, צידי הצוואר צבועים בגוון צהוב-ירקרק מבריק עם גוון כתמתם
, כיפת ראשו לזו של מלכילון האורנים אך השוליםמתחבריםמעל המצח
. לנקבה הבוגרת חסרהצבע הכתוםבמרכז הכיפה
. בית גידולו משתרע על פני מרכז אירופה, צפון אפריקה ובאסיה הקטנה
, בית חיותו חורשים ויערות רחבי עלים ומחטניים בהם הוא מקנן.
. בארץ מבקר חורף נדיר נתגלה לראשונה ברמת הגולן ב2011 כיום נראה גם בנגב
Subspecies and Distribution.
R. i. ignicapilla W & C Europe and Asia Minor.
R. i. balearicus Balearic Is and N Africa.
R. i. tauricus Crimea.
R. i. caucasicus W Caucasus.
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Descriptive notes.
9 cm; 5-7 g. Tiny olive-green passerine with striking head pattern. Male nominate race has central crown feathers deep orange-red at front, merging into bright yellow at rear, bordered by broad black lateral stripes which meet at upper forehead, with pale orange patch on lower forehead intensely dark eyestripe reaching to bill, sharply contrasting bright white supercilium and white lower eye-crescent
cheek grey, short black moustachial stripe; upperparts bright olive-green, shining yellow-bronze patch on lower neck side, two whitish wingbars flight-feathers variably edged yellow-green to bronzy, secondaries black at bases, tertials edged and tipped whitish; pale below, throat creamy peach-brown, belly greyish-white: iris black; bill thin and needle-like, black; legs brown.
Habitat. Prefers coniferous forest with spruce and unlike R.regulus , fairly common also in mixed forest, as well as in deciduous stands with only a few mature conifers interspersed. In Mediterranean region and North Africa, common in cork oak and holly oak stands, and in Morocco inhabits Atlantic cedar forest. Lowlands generally to c. 1000 m; above 1600 m in N Africa (Middle Atlas).
Food and Feeding. Arthropods, including moths and caterpillars, aphids and spiders, among others; strong preference for larger prey compared with those taken by R.regulus Largest items usually beaten repeatedly against a branch. Prefers to forage on upperside of branches and leaves, tending to avoid dense foliage. Frequently hovers for lengthy periods at outer tips of branches, picking prey from substrate or in flight. Sometimes hovers at spider webs, from which picks trapped insects or even snatches the large spiders themselves; rarely, becomes entangled in web and may die. Outside breeding season often in small, loose groups, occasionally with mixed-species flocks.
Season from beginning of Apr to Aug, two broods per season. Nest a typical regulid cup of three layers, made of moss, lichen, feathers and spider web, inner cushion layer with fewer and larger feathers (maximum c. 700) and outer covering of lichens less developed compared with nests of R.regulus , suspended 9-18 m above ground in vertical twigs of conifer or, if no conifer present, in climbing plant such as ivy or vine, or in deciduous tree, especially oak.
Clutch 6-13 eggs, slightly fewer in second clutches; incubation by female alone, fed on nest by male, which offers her large and brightly coloured food items (preferably thomisid crab spiders), incubation period 14-15 days
Primarily migratory. Earliest migration activities 7-8 days after end of moult. leaves C European breeding areas by end of July, thus earlier than R.regulus , with peak movement in Aug/Sept. In non-breeding season occurs throughout W & S Europe.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Locally common.
In Israel a rare winter visitor in the Golan Heights, was first discovered in 2011, now seems even N. Negev.




R. i. caucasicus