י 434) חרגולן נחלים

Eurasian River Warbler
Eurasian River Warbler
Eurasian River Warbler

Locustella fluviatilis
Locustella fluviatilis
Locustella fluviatilis

חרגולן נחלים
. חלק גופו העליון חום ללא פספוס ולכן הוא דומה לחרגולן זמירי
. מבדיל אותו הפספוס העדין שעל חזהו
שירתו בעלת שני הצלילים אותם הוא משמיע
. מראש שיח, מיחדת אותו משאר החרגולנים
. בית גידולו משתרע באזור הבלטי ועד להרי אורל שבמזרח
, מקום חיותו ביצות, גדות מיקוי מים עטורי צמחיה עבותה
. יערות ולעיתים בערבות עשב ואף בפארקים עירוניים
, בארץ עובר אורח נדיר עד לא שכיח ברוב חלקי הארץ
. נצפה לעיתים במספרים רבים באילת
Subspecies and Distribution.
Locustella fluviatilis C and E Europe, across N and C Asia E to Irtysh River. Winters E and S Africa, rare to Middle East. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
13-15 cm, 18 g, wingspan 19-22 cm. Small to medium-sized rather long-tailed, lithe, dull dark brown warbler, unmarked but for mottled throat, chest, and under tail-coverts and warmer tone on upper tail-coverts and tail. Plumage may have gey, olive, or umber tone. Sexes slightly different, little seasonal variation.
Habitat. Breeds in upper middle and middle latitude s of warm continental boreal, temperate, and stepes zones of west-central Palearcic. Requires ample stands of very dense but rarely tall vegetation, growing on shady bare soils, accessible to foraging and easy, concealed movement. Such cover may include thickets of grass and nettles among young growth of hazel, dogwoom, alder, birch, hornbeam, willow, and other trees characteristic of moist carr woodland and of floodlands, backwaters, damp fores clearings, bottmlands, bogs, sedge marshes, and even parks sometimes within cities.
Food and Feeding.
Flying and non-flying arthropods, especially Bugs, True Flies, small beetles, and spiders. Food obtained in dense herbaceous and bushy vegetation, by running about in grassy vegetation, and among fallen leaves of alder and nettles on in woods along rivers and streams. Prey tamen directly from plants and ground, rarely in the air.
May-Jul in Eastern Europe. Nest site, on or within 30 cm of ground in thick vegetation or at base of bush. Nest, loose cup of grass stems and leaves, lined with finer grass and hair.
5-6 eggs, sub-elliptical to long elliptical, smooth and glossy, white, finely but densely speckled and spotted brown and red-purple,often more at broad end. Incubation 11-12 days, by female only.
Migratory. Winter quarters not well known, but lie from N South Africa N to Zambia, Mozambique, and extreme S of Malawi. Genral direction is via east Mediterranean and Levantl requiring S-E heading for western breeders, and progressively more westerly heading for eastern breeders. Passage from east of range is mostly north of Caspian Sea. Transit southward through Africa apparently concentrated via Red Sea coast, Ethiopian Rift Valley, and narrow corridor E of Kenyan highlands.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Has spread west in central and northern Europe since 1950s.
In Israel subspecies Locustella fluviatilis very rare to scarce passage migrant over much of the country.

in Israel