י 435) חרגולן זמירי

Savi's Warbler
Savi's Warbler
Savi's Warbler

Locustella luscinioides
Locustella luscinioides
Locustella luscinioides

:חרגולן זמירי
, גדול במקצת מהחרגולן המנומר אך אינו מסתתר כמוהו
. גבו חלודי ואינו מנומר, גחונו בהיר וסנטרו בולט בלובנו
. בית גידולו משתרע באירופה (בצורה מקוטעת) ובאזור האירנו-טורני
. בית חיותו שולי ביצות עטורות קנים סבוכים וצפופים
, בארץ עובר אורח שכיח למדי ברוב חלקי הארץ
. מבקר חורף נדיר למדי ודוגר קיץ לא שכיח באזורים לחים בצפון הארץ
Subspecies and Distribution.
L. l. luscinioides N-W Africa and Europe E to Balkan countries, Khar'kov, and W shore of Sea of Azov.
L. l. sarmatica European USSR from about Khar'kov and eastern Sea of Azov to S Urals, Volga Valley, and N foothills of Greater Caucasus.
L. l. fusca Asia E from Asia Minor and Emba river. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
13-15 cm, 11-14 g, wingspan 18-21 cm. Small to medium sized warbler, not as shy as smaller Locustella and with uniform brown plumage strongly suggesting some Acrocephalus warblers.
Sexse similar, no seasonal variation.
Habitat. Breeds in west Palearctic lowlands across middle and lower middle latitudes, in ample and unbroken cover of swamps, wetlands, floodlands, and inundated fringes of fresh or brackish surface waters, including sometimes fairly deep lakes and rivers, nest-site being usually approachable only by wading. List of suitable vegetation as follows: more or less extensive stands of reed, reedmace, fen sedge, bur-reed, sedge, or club-rush, often flanked by willows, alder, and other moisture-loving trees and shrubs..
Food and Feeding.
Mainly adult and larval arthropods, also snails. Feeds mainly low in dense vegetation, taking food also from water surface and from ground. When feeding on ground either walks relatively slowly and deliberated or hops, picking items from ground and stems.
May-Jul in W and C Europe, mid Apr in S Europe. Nest site, in tall, aquatic or semi-aquatic vegetation over swampy ground or water. Nest, well concealed cup with outer layers loosely constructed of dead water-plant leaves and inner section often more tightly woven from grass stems. Iner cup of finer leaves and fibres.
3-4 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, white, very finely and densely speckled brown, purplish, or greyish-brown, more densely at broad end, often giving color to whole shell.
Incubation 10-12 days, by both sexes.
All populations migratory. Wintering grounds not well known, but apparently lie in sub-Saharan Africa north of forest zone, extending from Senegal to Eritrea.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Moderate range expansion in western and northern parts of range, especially in last 30 years.
In Israel three subspecies L. l. fusca a quite common migrant in most parts and uncommon breeder in north,
L. l. sarmatica quit common migrant through most parts, and L. l. luscinioides an uncommon migrant through most parts of Israel.

L. l. luscinioides
in Israel