י 437) קנית פסים | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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:קנית פסים , דומה מאוד לזמירון, נבדלת ממנו בפס העין הרחב וקרמי יותר . הפספוס שעל גבה בולט יותר. גחונה בהיר, שתה ערמוני וזנבה חום . בית גידולה משתרע באירופה וסיביר ובאזור האירנו-טורני, חורפת במזרח ומרכז אפריקה . בית חיותה צמחיה עבותה ולא גבוהה ליד גדות בוציים זרועי אבנים של מקווי מים . בארץ עובר אורח שכיח ברוב חלקי הארץ. באביב נמצאת בהמוניה מבית שאן ועד אילת . מבקרת חורף נדירה ולא סדירה
Subspecies and Distribution.
| Acrocephalus schoenobaenus W and C Palearctic, N of Mediterranean, E into Asian USSR. Winters C Africa םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
12-14 cm, 9-15 g, wingspan 17-21 cm. Close in measurements to Willow Warbler but noticeably bulkier, with longer bill and broader rump and tail. Rather small, quite robust warbler, epitome of streaked Acrocephalus . Well-marked above, with striking cream supercklium offset by dark crown, and tawny rump glowing between dull olive-brown, rather softly streaked back and brown tail, Sexes simeilar, no seasonal variation. Habitat. In contrast to other Acrocephalus, extends from high arctic down to mid-latitudes, from boreal through temperate but only marginally to Mediterranean zone, ranging east not far beyond west Palearctic. Accordingly adapted to cool, often cloudy and moist climates. Breeds in wide variety of low dense vegetation or in moist depressions. Attracted to clay and gravel pits. Less closely linked to lake sides, river banks, and wetlands than most congeners, and usually avoids wetter reedbeds in standing water. Food and Feeding. Chiefly insects, also some plant material outside breeding season. Feeds predominantly low down in dense vegetation, notably reeds and rushes, also in cereal fields and periphery of bushes. Breeding. Mid Apr to mid Jul in Britain and N-W Europe, Jun in Finland. Nest site, in variety of tall vegetation or low bushes. On ground or up to 50 cm above. Nest, deep cup, rounded to cylindrical, with loosely woven outer structure of grass, plant stems and leaves, moss, and sedges, often with spiders' webs, with thick inner layer of finer leaves and stems, lined with reed flowers, hair, and plant down. 5-6 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy, very pale green or olive-buff, finely and and liberally speckled and mottled olive overall. Incubation 13-15 days, by female only, or with limited help from male. Movements. Migratory, entire breeding population wintering in Africa south of Sahara, from Senegal east to Ethiopia and S to eastern Cape Province and N Namibia. Status and Conservation. Israel. In Israel subspecies Acrocephalus schoenobaenus common passage migrant over much of the country, also very rare and irregular winter visitor.
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