י 521) דרור ירדן

Dead Sea Sparrow
Dead Sea Sparrow
Dead Sea Sparrow

Passer moabiticus
Passer moabiticus
Passer moabiticus

:דרור הירדן
. הקטן מבין הדרורים והזכר הססגוני בסוג
, נבדל מדרור הבית בגבו וסוככות כנפיו הערמוניים יותר
. ואברות כנפיו שחורות ושוליהן חומים-אפורים
. בצידי גרונו השחור בולטים כתמים צהובים
. הנקבה בהירה מנקבת דרור הבית
, בית חיותו מפוצל בשלושה אזורים בעמק הירדן
. בעמקי הפרת והחידקל ובגבול אירן-אפגניסטן
, בית חיותו שיחים ועצים חשופים ופזורים, בעיקר סבכי אשלים
. ובלבד שיהי בקרבת מקור מים מתוקים
. בארץ יציב שכיח בבקעת הירדן ומזרח עמק יזרעאל, חורף מצוי בערבה
... ודרור קן לה ... תהילים פ"ד 4
Subspecies and Distribution.

P. m. moabiticus Israel, Jordan, N Syria, Iraq, S-W Iran, Turkey and probably in Cyprus.
P. m. yatii Iranian Seistan and neighbouring S-W Afghanistan. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
11-13 cm, 13-18 g, wingspan 19-20 cm. Distinctly trim sparrow, smallest and male most colorful of genus.
Male has grey head with pale supercilium, streak under eye, and submoustachial stripe turning up round cheek, and black bib. Yellow-buff tone to rear supercilium and lower part of moustache is unique within genus. Male buffier above and cleaner below than all other Passer except Desert Sparrow, also shows yellow in supercilium and on side of throat, as male, lacks bold wing-bars.
Sexes dissimilar, some seasonal variation.
Habitat. Patchily distributed in S-W Asia near watercourses or pools in arid usually lowland regions where shrubs such as tamarisk, thick scrub, or trees afford cover and nest-sites. Breeds in Jordan in thicket of tamarisks interspersed with bushes, at C 450 m below sea-level on shore of Dead Sea.
In Israel, also in well-vegetated cultivated land. Attachment to open water and lack of attachment to human settlements seem pronounced.
Food and Feeding.
Mainly seeds, especially of grasses. Most food sought on ground, but seen taking seeds from tamarisk trees and papyrus, and majority of insect food obtained by searching leaves of bushes and small trees such as tamarisk and willow.
End of Mar to early Jul in Israel, late Apr in Cyprus, late Jul in Turkey, Apr to end of Jun in Iraq.
Nest site, mostly 1-10 m above ground in branches of trees near water or standing in water.
Nest, bulky, open globular or cone-shaped structure built of stiff dry twigs, finely interwoven round branches of tree, lined with thick pad of plant down, seed panicles, fibres, and feathers. Domed, with entrance hole.
4-5 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and slightly glossy. Ground-color white or buffish, but often completely obscured by purplish-brown or grey spots and speckling.
Incubation, 9-16 days, almost exclusively by female.
Poorly known, races moabiticus and mesopotamicus, many birds absent from breeding colonies Oct-Mar, but this sppears to be more of a dispersal into feeding areas in cultivated land than a directed migration.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Has spread in Israel, and probably in C Iraq, N Syria, and turkey.
In Israel subspecies P. m. moabiticus common resident, subject or dispersal local roaming, in low-lying eastern and northern parts. Summer visitors, has occurred in isolated localities throughout Arava and Dead Sea Depressions, Jordan River Valley, N Hula Valley and lower Golan.

in Israel