י 523) דרורית קצרת-אצבעות

Pale Rock-Finch
Pale Rock-Finch
Pale Rock-Finch

Petronia brachydactyla
Petronia brachydactyla
Petronia brachydactyla

:דרורית קצרת-אצבעות
. דומה לדרור, מינה לא ברור, יש המשייכים אותה לפרושיים
. צבעה הכללי חום דהוי ומזכירה את נקבת דרור הבית
. זנבה לבן בשוליו וקצהו ובסיסו ערמוני
. במעוף בולט בכנף פס בהיר ורגליה בגוון חום-צהבהב
, בית גידולה משתרע באזור האירנן-טורני וברצוע צרה במערב אסיה
. מלבנון וסוריה דרך אירן ועד אפגניסטן ופקיסטן
. בית חיותה מדבריות ומדבריות למחצה שיש בהם שיחים ומשטחי עשב ועצים פזורים
. בארץ מבקרת סתיו נדירה, מבקרת אביב, לעיתים מצויה ביותר, בעיקר במזרח הארץ
. לעיתים דוגרת קיץ בחרמון
... ודרור קן לה ... תהילים פ"ד 4
Subspecies and Distribution.

Petronia brachydactyla breeds S-E Asia Minor, Levant S to N Israel, N and E Iraq, E and N Arabia and Iran, E to W Afghanistan and Pakistan. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
13.5-15 cm, 21-25 g, wingspan 27-30 cm. Fairly slim and rather anonymous sparrow-sized bird of uncertain affinity, recalling female rosefinch or odd female bunting as much as Rock parrow.
Dull pale brown except for double buff wing-bar, pale panel on folded secondaries, and tail with white edges and tip, lacks yellow on breast but shows bright orange-brown legs.
Runs. Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
Habitat. In west Palearctic, breeds in low middle latitudes in warm Mediterranean and subtropical zones, largely in arid areas, and often on hillsides and mountains. Also frequents slopes of barren ravines, overgrown with grass and stunted pistachio bushes, or areas with scattered bushes and trees which occasionally form sparse thickets or groves. During hot part of day shelters in shade of cliffs, or resorts to water such as sprigs or streams.
Food and Feeding.
Mainly insects in breeding season, otherwise probably mostly plant material, especially seeds. Forages on ground and on low plants in sandy or rocky places, vineyards, etc. In winter quarters, feeds in large flocks or up to many thousands in fields of millet or sorghum, these cereal seeds taken on ground, or by hopping up to pull seed from head of grain, or by hanging onto seedhead.
Early May to early Jun in Armenia, end of May to beginning of Jul in Israel, Mar in Arabia, Late Feb mid Mar in Oman.
Nest site, in low bush or tree, often thorny, 1.5-2 m above ground, but sometimes touching ground. Often near water.
Nest, open, bulky, untidy hemisphere of generally thorny twigs, stalks, roots, leaves, and grass, lined with smooth, felt-like mixture of plant down, grass, soft leaves, bulb scales, and animal hair.
4-5 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy. White, with scattered black to reddish-brown spots or commas concentrated at broad end, and greyish undermarkings.
Incubation, 14-16 days, by female only.
Short-distance migrant, moving south or west of south to winter in Arabia and N-W Africa. Movements erratic, with great fluctuations in numbers, timing also variable, nnd dates recorded in scattered observations may not be typical.
Passage recorded W to 30* 50'E in Egypt, E to Oman, and S on N-E coast of Africa to Djibouti. Migration mainly nocturnal, also diurnal.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
In Israel subspecies Petronia brachydactyla very rare autumn and rare to locally fairly common spring passage migrant, occurring in most parts, particularly E Israel. Also scarce local breeding summer visitor on Hermon slopes.

in Israel