י 524) דרורית צהובת-גרון

Chestnut-shouldered Petronia
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia
Chestnut-shouldered Petronia

Petronia xanthocollis
Petronia xanthocollis
Petronia xanthocollis

:דרורית צהובת-גרון
. דרור רזה וקטן למדי, בעלת מקור ארוך וצר
. לזכר כתם צהוב עז על צווארו, כתם ערמוני על כתפו ופס לבן בכנפיו
. הנקבה והצעירים חסרי הכתמים, הצהוב והערמוני
בית גידולה משתרע באזורהאירנו-טורני, מדרום עירק ומזרחה
. דרך אירן ופקיסטן עד הודו ובמזרח אפריקה
, בית חיותה שדות עם עצים פזורים, מטעים , גנים ונאות מדבר
. בעיקר בשפלות, לרגלי ההימליה ועד לרום של 1200 מ'
. בארץ עוברת אורח אקראית ונדירה ביותר
... ודרור קן לה ... תהילים פ"ד 4
Subspecies and Distribution.

P. x. transfuga Turkey, E Arabia, and from Iraq E to pakistan.
P. x. xantbocollis E from E Afghanistan and N Pakistan. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
12-13 cm, 20-22 g, wingspan 23-27 cm. Rather small, quite slim sparrow, with noticeably long bill. Male most colorful west Palearctic member of rather nondescript genus, yellow patch on throat, chestnut patch on forewing, white tips to median coverts, and dark bill. Female and juvenile lack yellow and chestnut.
Little seasonal variation.
Habitat. In west Palearctic, breeds in subtropical lower middle latitudes, mainly in lowlands, but up to 750-1200 m in Himalayan foothills. Favours open dry forest or forest scrub, oases, groves, gardens, and cultivated areas with scattered trees, shrubs, or hedgerows.
Food and Feeding.
In breeding season, diet insects and planet material, at other times principally plant material, mainly seeds. In breeding season, forages more often in trees than sparrows, in remainder of year on ground, commonly in large flocks with sparrows, finches, and buntings, under trees or in fields of millet and or sorghum, taking milky seeds on cereal heads, or on ground in stubble.
Late Apr to late Jul in Iraq, Apr-Jul in Arabia.
Nest site, hole or crevice in tree, building, or other man-made structure, may use old hole of woodpecker or barbet, or old, possibly usurped, nest of Red-romped Swallow. Most often recorded in acacia, taqmarisk, and date palm sometimes simply behind bark.
Nest shapeless, untidy foundation, often fillng cavity, of dry grass, hair, wool, strips of bark, string, and other man-made material, thickly lined with feathers. Cup often only a vague depression in thick pad of materia.
3-4 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and very slightly glossy. Very variable in color, even within clutch, ranging from greenish to brownish-white, heavily speckled, blotched, and streaked with all shades of brown, often obscuring ground-color.
Incubation, by female only, period unknown.
Migratory to resident. Known to winter only in S Pakistan and India, with occasional winter records from Oman. Summer visitor to Turkey, Middle East, Iran, northern Pakistan, and some parts of N India. In Nepal, resident but makes local movements. Common resident and marked local migrant in India, with movements apparently related to rainfall.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. No information on changes.
In Israel subspecies P. x. transfuga straggler, neer Eilat, in Eilot.

in Israel