י 525) בארית הרים

Rock Sparrow
Rock Sparrow
Rock Sparrow

Petronia petronia
Petronia petronia
Petronia petronia

:בארית הרים
. דרור מגושם, ארוך כנפים, זנבו רבוע, מקורו עבה וראשו גדול
. דומה לנקבת דרור הבית, נבדל ממנה בשני פסי עין בהירים
. כתם צהוב במרכז גרונו וכתמים לבנים בקצה הזנב
, בית גידולה משתרע בצורה מקוטעת באזורים הרריים מהאיים הקנריים
. דרך ארצות ים התיכון, המזרח הקרוב ועד מונגוליה
, בית חיותו מורדות הרים סלעיים, טרשים, שולי מדבר
. שדות וחורשים דלילים מטעים וחורבות
. בארץ יציב מצוי ודוגר קיץ בהרים במרכז וצפון הארץ
... ודרור קן לה ... תהילים פ"ד 4
Subspecies and Distribution.

P. p. petronia Canary Is., Madeira, and Europe E to Bulgaria and W Asia Minor.
P. p. barbara Morocco to Libya.
P. p. exigua Turkey, Caucasus area, N Iraq, and N Iran E to Grgan.
P. p. puteicola Levant S from southern Turkey.
P. p. kirhizica from lower Volga valley E to Turgay depression and Aral Sea, S in Transcaspia.
P. p. intermedia Iran and (S and E of exigua) Transcaspia (S of kirhizica) E in W-C Asia to E Tien Shan and N-W India.
P. p. brevirostris Altai and Mongolia E to W Manchuria, S to N Szechwan. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
14-15 cm, 33-35 g, wingspan 28-32 cm. Bulky, long-winged, square-tqiled sparrow, with heavy bill on rather large head. Differs from other west Palearctic Petronia in larger size and strongly striped, streaked, and spotted greyish-brown plumage. Diagnostic combination of dark lateral crown stripes and white spots on tail-tip.
Calls distinctive. Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
Habitat. Breeds in middle latitudes of Palearctic in warm temperate Mediterranean, steppe, and desert climates, from sea-level up rocky slopes and hillsides to mountains at 2500 m in Armenia and to 4800 m in Himalayas. Generally frequents rather bare treeless terrain with scanty herbaceous vegetation, ranging from flat desert steppe to rocky slopes or outcrops, screes, stony patches, ravines, cliffs, crags, and clay or earth precipices.
In some regions favours less severe environments, such as alpine meadows, grassy or shrubby riversides, vineyards, olive groves, stone walls, ruined castles and other structures on hilltops, and even human settlements, where it may come into competition with House Sparrow or Spanish Sparrow.
Food and Feeding.
Mostly seeds throughout year, with berries in autumn, and in spring invertebrates, on which young almost exclusively fed, especially caterpillars and grasshoppers, etc. Forages mainly on ground, running around like pipit, in low herbs and grass, among rocks, in fields of cereal or stubble, etc., commonly in large flocks, particularly in winter, often with other species, especially finches.
End of Apr to Aug in France, late Apr to early Jun in Spain, mid Apr to early May in N Africa, May in Canary Is., end of Mar to mid Jun in Israel.
Nest site, hole or cavity in rocks, earth bank, tree, building or other structure, disused well, etc. Commonly in old, or sometimes usurped hole of other species, particularly bee-eaters but also nuthatches, swallows and martins, also in old rodent burrow.
Nest, largish untidy structure, very like that of House Sparrow, sometimes domed. Foundation principally of grass or straw, occasionally reduced to small pad, lined with rootlets, etc.
4-7 eggs, sub-elliptical, smooth and glossy. White to brownish-white, with grey or reddish to blackish-brown speckles and blotches, concentrated at broad end.
Incubation, 11-14 days, by female only.
Resident and to some extent dispersive, also altitudinal migrant.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Range contracted in N in early part of 20th century.
In Israel subspecies P. p. puteicola common local resident or briding summer visitor in mountainous and desert of N and C Israel.

P. p. petronia