י529) זרזיר ארבה

Rosy Starling
Rosy Starling
Rosy Starling

Sturnus roseus
Sturnus roseus
Sturnus roseus

:זרזיר ארבה
. צפור בינונית בגודלה ששולטים בה הצבעים שחור וורוד
. לבוגר יש ציצה נוצות בראשו. הנקבה דומה אך בהירה יותר
. בסוף הקיץ לזוויגים צבע חום המתחלף באביב לצבעים היפים של שחור וורוד
. בית גידולו משתרע באזור האירנו-טורני מאוקרינה עד למרכז אסיה
, בית חיותו שדות עשב בעלי גבעות סלעיות
. ערבות ואזורים מדבריים למחצה, נגישות למים הכרחית
, בארץ עובר אורח נדיר עד לא שכיח ברוב חלקי הארץ בעיקר במישורים
. בעבר דגר בצפון
לא לחינם הלך זרזיר אצל עורב אלא מפני שהוא מינו ... חולין ס"ב ע"ב
Subspecies and Distribution.
Srurnus roseus SE Europe, E to C Asia. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
19-22 cm, 52-73 g, wingspan 37-40 cm. Medium-sized, rather short-billed crested starling with pale orange-pink legs. Adult in worn plumage basically blue to purple-black, with striking pink jacket on back, flanks, and belly. spotted and streaked in fresh plumage. Sexes similar, some seasonal variation.
Habitat. In west palearctic, ranges over lower middle latitudes, mainly in steppe, semi-desert, and mediterranean lowland zones. Movements often governed by ephemeral localized abundance of gregarious invertebrate food organisms, concentrated in dry, open, often arid spaces, as well as grasslands and stony or rocky terrain.
Requires ready access to water, but not dependent on wetlands or sea coasts. Resorts to trees and bushes, usually only in smallish groupings. Gregarious movements often lead over upland or mountains regions.
Food and Feeding.
In breeding season mainly insects, especially locusts and grasshoppers, and other swarming Orthoptera, after young fledge, major items are grapes and mulberries. Takes fruit, nectar, and seeds autumn and winter. Acrididae remain flightless for C 40-50 days over summer, presenting ideal food resource. During breeding season, most food taken from surface of ground but some Orthoptera caught in the air. When taking Orthoptera from ground, large flocks move in one direction, with birds in front moving faster than those behind, birds from rear flying to front in 'roller-feeding' fashion.
Late May to early Jun in Hungary and Greece. Apr to mid May in Kazakhstan.
Nest site, hole among stones, scree, also in crack in rocks or cliff, under railway sleeper, in wall or bridge, under roof, in thatch, in nest-hole of Sand Martin, and sometimes in hole in tree, especially willow.
Nest roughly made of thin twigs and grasses, lined with finer grass, often with fresh wormwood and feathers, or of dry stems and leaves of annual herbs, especially giant fennel or grass. In sites used annually, often re-uses nest of previous year.
3-6 eggs, pale blue or pale azure without marks and with slight gloss.
Incubation, 14-16 days by both sexes.
Migratory, wintering S-E of breeding range in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Migrates in flocks
Populations from W of range migrate almost directly E before heading S-E into India. In India, widespread in winter E to Bihar and S throughout peninsula.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. No information on numbers or trends.
In Israel subspecies Sturnus roseus uncommon migrant over much of the country, former breeder in north.

Sturnus roseus
in Israel

Sturnus roseus

Sturnus roseus

Sturnus roseus