י539) עורב הודי

House Crow
House Crow
House Crow

Corvus splendens
Corvus splendens
Corvus splendens

:עורב הודי
, עורב גדול למדי, גופו לא מגושם כמו העורבים האירופיים
. מקורו והצדודית מיוחדים בצורתם. קדמת ראשו וגרונו שחורים
. עורפו, צווארו וחזהו אפורים חלקי גופו התחתונים צפחתיים
. ראשו גבו, כנפיו וזנבו שחורים. הזוויגים דומים
. בית גידולו משתרע בתת היבשת ההודית וחודר למזרח אסיה
בית חיותו אזורים טרופיים וסאב טרופיים, על גבעות והרים המתנשאים
. לרום של 2000 מ' ומכוסים בעצים פזורים
. נוהג להתקהל על עצי מנגרוביה, פיקוס וקוקוס
. בארץ יציב לא מצוי בצפון מפרץ אילת והערבה
... וישלח את העורב ... בראשית ח' 7
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. s. zugmayeri S-W Iran through Pakistan to N-W India.
C. s. splendens India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Both this race and C. s. zugmayeri introduced or self-established in many coastal localities in E Africa and along Red Sea and Persian Gulf, including Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Kuwait.
C. s. protegatus S-W India, Sri Lanka, and Maldive and Laccadive Is.
C. s. insolens Burma S to Tenasserim. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
41-43 cm, 320-415 g, wingspan 76-85 cm. Quite large attenuated crow, lacking bulk of common large European black crows and having distinctive bill and head profile.
Plumage suggests hybrid between black and hooded forms of C. corone. Black on front of head and throat, abruptly grey on nape, neck, and chest, slate on underbody, and black on back, wings, and tail.
Sexes similar, no seasonal variation.
Habitat. Original range lies in Indian subcontinent, in subtropical and tropical lowlands, also in hills up to somewhat more than 2000 m, but does not ascend from Indus valley to highland Baluchistan within that limit, and has established only precarious foothold in Vale of Kashmir.
Presence of some trees probably essential, roosts communally in mangroves, banyans, coconuts, and in tree plantations, often reached by long high-level flights.
Has become intricately enmeshed with human activities in urban and even metropolitan areas.
Food and Feeding.
Very dependent on man's rubbish, scraps, offal, and sewage, otherwise any edible invertebrates, small vertebrates, plant material, or carrion. Feeds mostly on ground, but also in trees and on buildings. Forages mainly at rubbish tips, abattoirs, markets, farms, beaches near fisheries or tourist resorts, etc., travelling up to 15 km from rosst to feeding place.
Mid Marto Jul in Israel, Apr to mid May in Kuwait.
Nest site, always close to human habitation, in fork near top of tall tree or in outermost branches, often in banyan or mango. in Israel in groves of tamarisk.
Nest, untidy mass of twigs, often thorny, sticks plastic, string, assorted pieces of metal, electrical cable, etc. Depression in center lined with fibres of wood or bark, grass, hair, cloth, and similar soft material, though can be unlined.
3-5 eggs, very variable in shape, size, and color. Generally short oval, some even pyriform, fairly glossy. Pale bluish-green with brown or grey speckling, blotches, and streaks.
Incubation, 15-17 days, by both sexes.
Almost entirely sedentary
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. In west Palearctic, confined to a few ports and other areas along major shipping routes, where occurrence due to deliberate introductions by man and self-introductions by ship transportation.
In Israel subspecies C. s. splendens scarce local resident in N Gulf of Eilat and S Arava.

C. s. splendens
in Israel