י26) יסעורון מדירה

Madeiran Storm-petrel
Madeiran Storm-petrel
Madeiran Storm-petrel

Oceanodroma castro
Oceanodroma castro
Oceanodroma castro

:יסעורון מאדירה
צבעו הכללי חום. בשעת מעופו דומה ליסעורון וילסון, ליסעורון אטלנטי
. וליסעורון קטן. גדול במקצת מהיסעורון הקטן וכנפיו ארוכות במקצת
נבדל מיסעורון וילסון ברגליו השחורות והקצרות יותר, ומהיסעורון האטלנטי
. בשתו הלבן יותר. זנבו מפורץ אבל קשה להבחין בכך ממרחק
. בית גידולו ימים ואוקינוסים חמים. מקנן באיים מרוחקים ושוממים
. בארץ מזדמן באקראי נדיר ביותר
Subspecies and Distribution.
Oceanodroma castro E Atlantic from Portugal Is. and Azores to Ascension Is.and St Helena In the Pacific off E Japan, Hawaii and at Galapagos.
Descriptive notes.
19-21 cm; 29-56 g, wingspan 44-46 cm. Wings shape intermediate between Oceanites oceanicus and Oceanodroma leucorhoa: tail slightly forked, unlike Oceanites: and Hydrobates,: and underwing uniformly dark.
Legs do not project beyond tip of tail in flight. Juvenile has mor grey on greater upperwing-coverts.
Marine and highly pelagic,occurring in warm waters; rarely approaches land except near colonies.
Breeds on undisturbed islets, in flat areas near sea or inland on cliffs.
Food and Feeding
Mostly planktonic crustaceans, small fish and squid; also feeds on some human refuse.
Feeds mainly on wing, by pattering and dipping; also surface-seizes.
Most feeding by day.
Season varies locally; in Galapagos two distinct populations breed annually, but 6 months out of phase.
Colonial; nests in rock crevices or burrows. 1 egg; incubation 42 days, with stints of 4-7 days; chicks pale grey down, brooded for 7 days; fledging 64-73days.
Estimated annual mortality of adults 6%; known to have reached nearly 11 years old in wild.
Apparently some birds largely sedentary, since colonies visited irregularly throughout year; others disperse widely, with records from Atlantic coast N America, Britain, Cuba and Brazi
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Widespread, many islands holding several thousand breeding pairs; figures lacking for several areas. Main threats include exploitation by local fishermen, particularly on some Atlantic islands, and predation by introduced mammals, rats, mice, mongooses; land crabs and Barn Owls kill many birds in Cape Verde Is.
In Israel subspecies Oceanodroma castro. Very rare visitor.

Oceanodroma castro
(in Israel)

Oceanodroma castro