י50 אנפת מנגרובים
Green-backed Heron
Green-backed Heron
Green-backed Heron

Butorides striatus
Butorides striatus
Butorides striatus

:אנפת המנגרובים
. גודלה 35-48 ס"מ, מוטת כנפיה כ 60 ס"מ. מגוון צבעיה רחב לפעמים באותו המין
. B. s. brevipes ידועים 30 תת מינים. תת המין שנמצא בארץ
. בית גידולה משתרע מקליפורניה ועד ארגנטינה, ברוב אפריקה ומהודו ועד מזרח אסיה
. דרך אוקייניה ועד אוסטרליה
. בית חיותה, מקווי מים מתוקים ומליחים בעיקר ליד עצי מנגרוביה. ליד שוניות אלמוגים
. ולעיתים בשטחים פתוחים עם נהרות, אגמים וביצות
. בארץ יציבה ונדירה ליד אילת
...האנפה למינה....נזכרת בין העופות הטמאים בספר ויקרא י"א 19
Subspecies and Distribution.
Subspecies and Distribution.
B. s. striatus E Panama to all S America. B. s. anthonyi W USA, Baja California.
B. s. frazari S Baja California. B. s. virescens C USA, E Canada to Panama and Caribbian.
B. s. bahamensis Bahamas. B. s. sundevalli Galapagus.
B. s. atricapillus Africa S Sahara, Guinea. B. s. rutenbergi Madagascar.
B. s. brevipes Red Sea and N Somalia. B. s. crawfordi Aldabra and Amirante Is.
B. s. rhizophorae Comoro Is. B. s. degens Seychelles.
B. s. albolimbatus Diego Garcia, Chagos and Maldive Is. B. s. cholriceps India, Sri Lanka.
B. s. javanicus Burma to Thailand. B. s. amurensis Korea, japan and Bonin Is.
B. s. actophilus China to N Vietnam and Burma B. s. spodiogaster Andomans, Nicobars Is. and sumatra.
B. s. carcinophilus Taiwan, Philippines. B. s. steini Lesser Sundas.
B. s. moluccarum Moluccas. B. s. papuensis New Guinea and Aru Is.
B. s. idenburgi New Guinea. B. s. rogersi NW Western Australia.
B. s. cinereus NE Western Australia. B. s. stagnatilis NC Australia.
B. s. littleri New Guinea, Queensland. B. s. macrorhynchus New Caledonia, Loyalty Is.
B. s. solomonensis New Hanover to Fiji. B. s. patruelis Tahiti, Society Is.
Descriptive notes.
45 cm, 135-250 gr, wingspan 58 cm.Small size, extensive variation in plumage. Juvenil brownish heavily streaked on neck and spotted whitish and buffish on upperwing.
Most races separated essentially on coloration of head and neck and on size.
Fresh and salt water, in mangroves or in dense vegetation along rivers, lakes, streams, ponds or estuaries and open areas like mud flats, tidal zones and coral reefs.
Mostly in lowlands but recorded at 4000 m in Peru.
Food and Feeding
Fish and amphibians with insects, spiders, crabs, prawns and other crustaceans, reptiles and mice.
Feeds alone, make use with wide range of techniques including "baiting" (whereby a bird uses bait to attract its prey), also performs "aerial flycatching" (to capture flying prey).
Generally tends to be crepuscular and nocturnal, and sometimes daily.
In tropics related to rains. Generally breeds alone or in small groups
Nest is well hidden amongst branches of rees of bushes at height of 1-10 m over ground or water.
2-5 eggs incubation 20-25 days, chicks have pale grey down, white below.


Most northerly races migratory. In Africa basically sedentary with some dispersal of the Red Sea.
Post-breeding dispersal in all directions, in Europe starting in Jun. W Palearctic birds cross Mediterranean and Sahara on broad front. Most N American breeders winter in S USA, C America and Caribbean. NE Asian populations winter from SE China to Philippines.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatend. Generally common to locally abundant.

B. s. striatus

B. s. virescens

B. s. atricapillus

B. s. crawfordi