י65) ברבור קטן

Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan

Cygnus columbianus
Cygnus columbianus
Cygnus columbianus

:ברבור קטן
. דומה לברבור שר אבל קטן יותר, ראשו גדול וצאוורו קצר יחסית
. הכתם הצהוב על המקור מסתיים במעוגל מעל לנחירים
. בית גידולו ביצות וטונדרה
. בארץ מזדמן באקראי נדיר ביותר בחורף
...ברבורים אבוסים... מלכים א' ה' 3
Subspecies and Distribution.
Cygnus olorBritish Is, C N Europe to china. Feral populations in N America, S Africa and Australia and New Zealand.
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Descriptive notes.
130cm, 4,5-9,5 kg, wingspan 130 cm. Female smaller.
Juvenile has some grey feathers and and a mostly pinkish bill.
Race bewickii smaller, with far more yellow on base of bill.
Winters on marshes, grasslands or agricultural fields, often in coastal regions.
Breeds on shallow pools, lakes and rivers of arctic tundra.
Food and Feeding
Mainly leaves, roots, rhizomes and stems of aquatic plants, in winter complemented with grain and potatoes.
Forages by head dipping and upending in shallow water or by grazing on land. Day feeding where un disturbed.
May-Jun in single pairs.
Nest is large mound of vegetation, on elevated ground.
3-5 eggs, incubation 30 days. Chicks have pale grey down.
Migratory, winters in temperate areas, sporadically in more southern latitudes during cold winters.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
Israel. In Israel the subspecies C. c. bewickii Accidental visitor, occasional during winter.

C. c. bewickii
(in Israel)

C. c. bewickii

C. c. bewickii

C. c. columbianus