י114) זרון תכול
Hen harrier
Hen harrier
Hen harrier

Circus cyaneus
Circus cyaneus
Circus cyaneus

:זרון תכול
. לזכר צבע אפור בהיר וקצות כנפיו שחורות
, גדול מזרון הפס ונבדל ממנו גם בשתו הלבן
. הנקבה חומה, וזנבה מפוספס בצורה בולטת
, דומה מאוד לנקבת זרון הפס הקטנה ממנה
. לגרונה פם שחור בולט יותר
. המתבגר דומה לנקבה, אבל בטנו בהירה יותר
. בית גידולו ביצות, ערבות, שדות עשב, חורשות קני סוף וחופי ים
. בארץ עובר אורח מצוי
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. c. cyaneus Europe and N Asia to Kamchatka. winter from Europe and N W Africa through Asia to China and Japan.
C. c. hudsonius N America to Mexico. winters N South America.
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Descriptive notes.
45-50 cm, 350-530 g wingspan 100-120 cm.
Larger and broader winged than races C. pygargus and C. macrourus. with white rump and dark grey band along trailing edge or secondaries, lacks black bar on upperwing of C. pygargus.
Female averages larger, dark brown above, pale below with dark streaks, from below, dark bands on primaries, secondaries and rectrices.
Juvenile very similar to female, but slightly darker above and ore rufous below. Race hudsonius has rusty markings on underparts.
Areas with some grass or shrub cover, especially grassland, steppe meadows, moorland, scrub and cultivation, also wetlands especially in N America. In winter more widespread over ploughed land.
Prefers flat or gently sloping land, although also present on mountain slopes. Range includes colder and more northerly areas tan other harriers.

Food and Feeding.
Small vertebrates, mice, voles, ground squirrels, and up size of young rabbits, also birds particularly passerines.
Birds often predominate, in breeding season making up 80% of prey.
Also takes some invertebrates, grasshoppers, crickets, reptiles, amphibians, birds eggs and especially in winter carrion.
Normally slow, low foraging flight, relying heavily on hearing prey, which is mainly captured on ground, generally hunts alone.
Apr-Jul, varying with latitude.
Marked tendency locally towards polygyny of males, 2-3 females per breeding male, sometimes more. Possibly caused by lack of males, or because species breeds in loose colonies.
Nests on ground, in dense grass or scrub, crops or marshy vegetation. Nest is pile of small sticks and grass, 30-50 cm wide, built normally by female.
3-6 eggs, incubation 30-31 days.
Only male bringing food, female also hunts later, but generally closer to nest.
Chicks have buffy first down, buffy brown second down.
Oldest recorded bird 16 years.
Migratory in N of range, winters in area well separated from breeding range.
Leaves for winter quarters from Aug-Oct, arrives in breeding range Mar-May, varying with latitude, migrates on wide fronts.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Population trends vary regionally, but generally seems to be in decline.
Israel. In Israel the subspecies C. c. cyaneus Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor, formerly recorded as resident.

C. c. cyaneus
(in Israel)

C. c. cyaneus

C. c. cyaneus

C. c. hudsonius