י115) זרון שדות

Pallid Harrier
Pallid Harrier
Pallid Harrier

Circus macrourus
Circus macrourus
Circus macrourus

:זרון שדות
דומה לזרון הפס לזרון התכול, נבדל מהם בצבעו הבהיר
, יותר וראשו וחזהו הלבנים כמעט. אין לו כתם בהיר על השת
. קצות כנפיו פחות שחורים, צידי גופו וכנפיו אינם מפוספסים
הנקבה הבוגרת נבדלת מנקבת הזרון התכול בגופה הצר יותר
ובכתם הבהיר והצר על שתה, נבדלת מנקבת זרון הפס
. בפס השחור שעל גרונה
. בית גידולו מישורים פתוחים של עשב ושיחים, ערבות וסואנות
. בארץ עובר אורח מצוי ומבקר חורף נדיר
Subspecies and Distribution.
Circus macrourus Ukraine, Russia to Balksh region, China and perhaps Mongolia.
Winters in Africa S of Sahara, and Pakistan, India and Sri Larka to China. C. c. hudsonius N America to Mexico. winters N South America.
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Descriptive notes.
40-48 cm, 300-450 g wingspan 95-120 cm.
The male very pale and only four primaries black. Female similar to females of C. pygargus and C. cyaneus. paler belly, contrasting with more heavily marked breast and head,
Juvenile very similar to juvenile C. pygargus, with rusty underbody and underwing coverts, but generally paler.
Areas with grassy plains and dry steppes, valleys with steppe vegtation and semi-desert.
Roosts colonially during migration and in winter quarters, normally in grass.
Food and Feeding.
Small mammals and birds, in winter, large insects. Takes advantage of demographic explosions of rodents, mice, voles, steppe lemmings, gerbils and ground squirrels. Reptiles and frogs less often, although lizards common in areas of sand dunes.
Flies low, five meters above ground, into wind, dropping onto small prey spotted on ground. Spends large part of day hunting.
May-Jun, solitary or in loose colonies of 3-5 pairs.May change breeding area from year to year, with fluctuations in vole populations.
Nests on ground, protected by vegetation, in dry meadows, weeds, low scrub or swamps. Nest is pile of grass, 4-5 eggs, incubation 30 days.
Only male bringing food during incubation and early brooding. Chicks have buffy white first down, pale cinnamon second down.
Sexual maturity at 2-3 yaers. Oldest recorded bird 13 years.
Migratory, wintering mainly in sub Saharan Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Sri Lanka and Burma, rare, or much less common, in Mediterranean Basin, Middle East, Arabia, Iran and China.
Migrates on broad front, leaves for winter from Aug, arriving up to Oct-Nov.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Drastically declining, particularly in Europe.
Israel. In Israel the subspecies Circus macrourus Common passage migrant and quite rare winter visitor.

Circus macrourus
(in Israel)

Circus macrourus

Circus macrourus

Circus macrourus